/* SQL Fundamentals IN, NOT IN, NULL, NOT NULL */ /* List students who are in these teams: ITPROS, SYSDES or TECHSO. */ select std_teamID, stdfname, stdlname from students where std_teamID = 'ITPROS' OR std_teamID = 'SYSDES' OR std_teamID = 'TECHSO'; select std_teamID, stdfname, stdlname from students where std_teamID IN ('ITPROS', 'SYSDES', 'TECHSO'); /* List students who are NOT in these teams: ITPROS, SYSDES or TECHSO. */ select std_teamID, stdfname, stdlname from students where std_teamID NOT IN ('ITPROS', 'SYSDES', 'TECHSO'); /* List students who have not been assigned to a team. */ select std_teamID, stdfname, stdlname from students where std_teamID IS NULL; /* List students who are assigned to a team. */ select std_teamID, stdfname, stdlname from students where std_teamID IS NOT NULL; /* How many students are there? */ select count(*) from students; /* How many students have not been assigned to a team. */ select count(*) from students where std_teamID IS NULL; /* How many students have been assigned to a team. */ select count(*) from students where std_teamID IS NOT NULL;