University of Arkansas

Walton College

The Sam M. Walton College of Business

FBC 2012 Profile

FBC Profile
Tyler Clark, Amanda Dooly
WHP 2012

Clark-DoolyAmanda came to the University of Arkansas from Fort Smith, only 45 minutes away, so she knew that she would already know many people. "I also knew there were a ton of business freshmen and that I would be out of my comfort zone quite a bit." Honors Freshmen Business Connections was a great way to really get to know and get comfortable with a group of students, some of her best friends now.

The Walton Honors Program also allowed her to get to know her fiancé, Tyler, as they took many Honors business classes together. Tyler is from Overland Park, Kansas, "so I know that if we had not both been Honors students, there would have been a much smaller chance we would have met." Tyler and Amanda both liked how they were able to make friends so quickly, have people they knew in every business class, and always have people to study with. "The smaller honors classes are awesome too!"

"Honors FBC and the Walton Honors Program as a whole has brought comfort and excitement to us throughout the four years we've been here, and it made the transition from high school to college a little less scary!" Amanda will be pursuing a Masters of Accountancy next year and Tyler is planning to begin work on a Masters in Sports Management.