University of Arkansas

Walton College

The Sam M. Walton College of Business

Walton Media Services Overview

Walton Media Services provides multimedia, audiovisual and online class support to faculty, students and staff in the Sam M. Walton College of Business in order to increase teaching effectiveness through the application of appropriate technology.

Faculty and Staff Assistance

Walton Media Services can assist with your multimedia needs if you are hosting an event in the Donald W. Reynolds Center for Enterprise Development. If you are an organization that would like to have an event recorded or streamed live while you are here, ask for our current production rates.


How can we assist with your multimedia questions and needs?

We offer a variety of services from video, multimedia production and editing. Walton Media Services can assist you with any multimedia needs while you are attending the Sam M. Walton College of Business. There are no costs for our services if you are a current student at the Walton college.


  • RCED 128 Multimedia Studio / Green Room
  • RCED 129 Multimedia Control Room / Editing Suite B
  • RCED 130 Editing Suite A / Studio Storage

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