An Enduring Legacy: The William Dillard II Leadership Chair
Matt Waller is poised to continue Bill Dillard’s vision for inspiring and influencing the next generation of business leaders.
11/20/2024 | By Meghan Perry
The University of Arkansas has recently experienced the greatest enrollment increase in decades. Concurrently, the Arkansas Department of Higher Education calculated a gap of $30 million between what the state gives to the University and what is required to meet our student needs. Private gift support from our alumni and friends will help us bridge this gap and accomplish our goals.
For nearly a century, the Walton College has excelled because of benefactors like you.
Thanks to the generosity of the Walton Family Charitable Support Foundation and all the generous donors before and after its gift, the endowed chairs, professorships, student scholarships and new programs we offer have positioned us competitively on the national stage.
The Walton College was also propelled into the rankings as a top 25 undergraduate business school. Today the Walton College aspires to be a top 20 business school.
Get in touch with our External Relations team to explore more ways to invest in Walton.
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Matt Waller is poised to continue Bill Dillard’s vision for inspiring and influencing the next generation of business leaders.
11/20/2024 | By Meghan Perry
“She commanded any room with respect and poise, building a successful firm of the highest standard. Her business acumen only came second to her love for Arkansas."
11/08/2024 | By Meghan Perry
The scholarship is designed to alleviate financial pressures, allowing recipients to focus on their studies and career goals, and will provide $15,000 per recipient for students in their fifth/master’s year of study.
Rachel Spencer, a senior studying supply chain management, and Lily Raccasi, a senior majoring in international business with a supply chain concentration, were selected as AWESOME 2023 Excellence in Education Scholars.
05/15/2023 | By Nathan Bramwell
There are many ways to support Walton financially. All gifts, great or small, make a difference. You can:
The Walton College has several opportunities for investment. You can support:
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