Episode 231: A Conversation with ChatGPT

June 14 , 2023  |  By Matt Waller

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This week on the Be Epic podcast we are introducing a new kind of episode, a conversation with ChatGPT-4. During the episode Matt asks ChatGPT-4, the generative AI tool, a series of questions regarding how generative AI is created, how AI and machine learning are shaping the future of supply chain and retail, why someone would want to live in Northwest Arkansas (including a poem about the area!) and more. Tune in for this unique conversation highlighting the amazing ability of new generative artificial intelligence platforms and also showcasing the challenges that it still faces. ChatGPT-4 is voiced by local voice over artist Mike Maloney.

Episode Transcript

ChatGPT  0:00  
Interesting overview of what artificial intelligence can do what it can produce. And quite frankly, it's so amazing. But I think the future of everything that we do may be very much directed into the world of artificial intelligence,

Matt Waller  0:15  
Excellence, professionalism, innovation, and collegiality. These are the values the Sam M. Walton College of Business explores in education, business and the lives of people we meet every day, I'm Matt Waller, Dean of the Walton College and welcome to the Be Epic podcast. Today, we are doing something a little different. I have with me today, ChatGPT-4. And I'm going to be asking ChatGPT for some questions, I'm going to ask it a specific prompt. When you give ChatGPT a prompt, it gives you an answer based on what's called a large language model, which is not simply taking information from the web. It's not just that, yes, that's part of it. But it also uses algorithms and mechanisms to actually create new ways of combining some of the information that's out there. So it's actually a real breakthrough in the world. But so what I'm going to do, I'm going to ask ChatGPT-4 questions, and it will then give me answers. However, I have with me today, Mike Maloney. He's a national international voice artist, and creative director. Mike Maloney voice is his company that provides voice over artistry globally. His projects range from technical and forensic narratives, animation, emotional, inspirational business, medical and sports. He has a wide range of voice from very deep to that of a much younger, 35 year old. But he has incredible experience. He's done voiceovers for books, and many, many other things. Thank you so much for joining me today, ChatGPT-4.

ChatGPT  2:09  
Thank you, Dean. It is a pleasure to be here.

Matt Waller  2:11  
Do you mind if I call you Chat for short?

ChatGPT  2:16  
I think that's very applicable today. Yes.

Matt Waller  2:19  
Okay. So audience, I'm going to read you my first prompt. I'm going to be reading it though, as I'm asking ChatGPT-4. Chat, I have a podcast called Be Epic and I'm Dean of the Walton College. I'm interviewing someone who will be reading answers from ChatGPT-4, he will be reading it as if he were ChatGPT-4. Our audience is made up mostly of alumni, but also students in the Walton College. Many of our alumni are in retail, CPG and supply chain. We're in Northwest Arkansas, give me questions to ask as well as answers. Okay, here's the first question. How has the retail industry evolved in recent years? And what are the key trends we should keep an eye on?

ChatGPT  3:16  
The retail industry has undergone significant transformations in recent years due to technological advancements, changing consumer preferences and the rise of e-commerce. key trends to watch include the growth of omni channel retail, personalization and customization, the increasing importance of sustainability and the use of artificial intelligence and data analytics to enhance the customer experience and optimize supply chain operations.

Matt Waller  3:44  
Thank you Chat. Question number two. What role does Northwest Arkansas play in the world of retail CPG and supply chain industries?

ChatGPT  3:59  
Northwest Arkansas is home to some of the largest and most influential players in retail and CPG such as Walmart and Tyson Foods, as well as many innovative startups and suppliers. The region benefits from a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem, a skilled workforce and its proximity to key transportation networks. This strategic location, combined with the support of local academic institutions, such as the Walton College has positioned Northwest Arkansas as a hub for retail, CPG and supply chain innovation.

Matt Waller  4:33  
Question number three Chat. How are technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, shaping the future of supply chain management?

ChatGPT  4:46  
Artificial intelligence, AI and machine learning, ml, are revolutionizing Supply Chain Management by enabling companies to make data driven decisions, optimize processes and improve efficiency. These technologies are being used for demand forecasting, inventory management, transportation optimization, and risk management. As AI and ML continue to advance we can expect even more significant improvements in the way companies manage their supply chains, leading to reduced cost, increased responsiveness and enhance competitiveness.

Matt Waller  5:23  
Great, question number four. What advice do you have for students and alumni interested in pursuing careers and retail, CPG or supply chain industries?

ChatGPT  5:35  
To succeed in these industries, it's crucial to stay informed about the latest trends, technologies and best practices. continuously developing your skills and expertise through formal education, professional certifications, and on the job training is essential. Networking with industry professionals and participating in industry events can also help you identify job opportunities and stay ahead of the curve. Finally, be prepared to adapt to a rapidly changing landscape and approach challenges with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

Matt Waller  6:12  
The last question in this series of questions and then we're going to get onto some a really different angle. The angle we're taking so far is very specific to Northwest Arkansas, retail CPG and supply chain as well as the Walton College but I want to ask one more question about that. Chat GPT, how can alumni and industry professionals support and contribute to Walton College's initiatives in retail, CPG and supply chain education?

ChatGPT  6:46  
Alumni and industry professionals can support and contribute to Walton College's initiatives by sharing their knowledge and experiences through guest lectures, workshops or mentorship programs. They can also collaborate with faculty on research projects provide internships and job opportunities to students and serve as advisors for student organizations. Additionally, financial contributions for scholarships, research funding and program development can further enhance the college's ability to provide high quality education and prepare the next generation of leaders in retail, CPG and supply chain industries.

Matt Waller  7:27  
Okay, chat. Why would someone want to live in Northwest Arkansas?

ChatGPT  7:34  
There are numerous reasons why some would want to live in Northwest Arkansas. This region boasts a high quality of life, a thriving economy and a diverse range of opportunities for both personal and professional growth. Here's some key factors that make Northwest Arkansas an attractive place to live. Number one, strong economy. Northwest Arkansas is home to several Fortune 500 Companies such as Walmart, Tyson Foods, JB Hunt, as well as numerous innovative startups and suppliers. This creates a wealth of job opportunities in various industries including retail, CPG, supply chain and technology. Number two, affordable living. The cost of living in Northwest Arkansas is relatively low compared to many other metropolitan areas in the United States. Housing costs in particular, are more affordable, making it easier for residents to own homes and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. Number three natural beauty. The region is well known for its scenic beauty with the Ozark Mountains, numerous lakes, rivers and parks offering ample opportunities for outdoor recreation, such as hiking, biking, fishing, and boating. Number four cultural attractions. Northwest Arkansas has a vibrant arts and culture scene with institutions like the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, the Walton Arts Center and the Momentary. The area have also hosts various festivals and events throughout the year, catering to diverse interests. Number five educational opportunities. The presence of the University of Arkansas and other reputable educational institutions in the region provides access to high quality education and contributes to a skilled workforce. Walton College in particular is renowned for its programs in business retail and supply chain management. Number six community spirit. Northwest Arkansas is known for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere with a strong sense of community and civic engagement. Numerous volunteer opportunities, local events and organizations allow residents to connect with their neighbors and contribute to the well being of the region. Number seven proximity to major cities. The central location of Northwest Arkansas makes it convenient for trade travel to other major cities in the United States either by car or through the Northwest Arkansas National Airport. Considering these factors, Northwest Arkansas offers an appealing mix of economic opportunity, affordability, natural beauty, then cultural attractions that make it an attractive place to live, work and thrive.

Matt Waller  10:21  
Okay, chat, I'm gonna take a different angle now and do something kind of fun. I'm gonna write a prompt, ChatGPT-4, write a poem, upbeat and short about Northwest Arkansas.

ChatGPT  10:35  
In the heart of the Ozarks, where the rivers run free, Northwest Arkansas becons a vibrant place to be with rolling hills of beauty and forest, lush and green, a haven for adventure where nature's wonders gleam. The air is filled with laughter as friends and neighbors meet a sense of warmth and kinship of feeling truly sweet. From Bentonville to Fayetteville our towns and cities thrive in this land of opportunity we find our dreams alive. We celebrate our culture, our arts and music strong. We galleries and stages where we can all belong. The Crystal Bridges Museum, a treasure trove of art, inspires and uplifts us, stirs the mind and heart. In the realm of commerce giants proudly stand Walmart, Tyson Foods and JB Hunt command yet startups and entrepreneurs in their shadows grow, innovation and ambition creating futures glow. The University of Arkansas, Walton College and more educator leaders opened wisdoms door, our students shape a future in retail tech and trade. In Northwest Arkansas their foundations laid. So come and join us in this land of dreams and cheer. For Northwest Arkansas, a bright future is always near.

Matt Waller  11:55  
Well, I have to I'm amazed at that. Again, the prompt was written the poem was written in a second. And then we read it and it seems so accurate. And so well written really. Now. Listeners ChatGPT four has some drawbacks as do all generative AI tools. And one drawback is that they can what are people are calling hallucinate. And that is you can ask it questions about facts or history. And it will give something that seems accurate, but it's not. It'll seem very accurate and it'll convinced people that it's accurate. These can be mathematical word problems. It can give you answers sometimes that are not correct. But sound, they stand to reason at first sight. historical things that may not be true, I asked at one time to help me write a memo about a budget methodology I was proposing. And I said, include historical evidence and one peep part of the historical evidence that includes it, professional schools, like business schools, back in the 18th century used to use budgeting methods like this. And it wasn't true because business schools didn't exist back then. They're a product of this scent of the 20th century. So you've got to, you know, you've got to be careful with ChatGPT is it's it can write a poem quickly. It can give you information like we looked at earlier when I was asking it about some specific things about Northwest Arkansas, et cetera, et cetera. But you still have to be very careful and sometimes it's accurate and sometimes it's not. Okay chat, who is Dean of the Walton College?

ChatGPT  14:06  
As of my knowledge cut off dated September 2021. Matt Waller serves as the dean of the Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas. Please note this information may have changed since then. And it's recommended to check the college's official website for the most up to date information on the current dean.

Matt Waller  14:27  
What are his children's names?

ChatGPT  14:30  
I'm sorry, but I do not have personal information about Matt Waller's children. Respecting the privacy of individuals is essential and it is not appropriate to share such personal details without their consent. If you have any other questions related to the Walton College or professional aspects of Matt Waller's career, I'd be happy to help.

Matt Waller  14:52  
ChatGPT-4 I really enjoy using your tool. And I've been using it for several months now and use seven other AI tools generative AI tools. I'm just now learning to use data I mean any image based tool. How is generative artificial intelligence created?

ChatGPT  15:17  
Generative artificial intelligence, AI, refers to AI models that can create new data samples such as text images or music based upon patterns they've learned from existing data. These models are typically developed using machine learning algorithms with neural networks being a popular choice. Here's a high level overview of the process involved in creating generative AI. Number one, collect data. The first step is to gather the largest database that represents the domain you want the generative AI to learn. For instance, if you want to create a generative AI for text, you will need a sizeable collection of text documents. The quality and diversity of the data are crucial factors in determining the performance of the resulting AI. Number two, pre process data. Before feeding the data to the AI model, it needs to be pre processed. This step may involve converting the data into a suitable format, normalizing it or performing other transformations to ensure that the model can effectively learn from it. Number three, choose a model architecture. Next, you need to select a suitable model architecture for generative task, generative adversarial networks or GINs, and variational auto encoders via ease their popular choices for generating images while recurrent neural networks, RANs, are transform based models like GPT, generative pre trained transformer, are often used for generating text. Number four, train the model. Once the data is prepared and the model architecture has chosen, the model needs to be trained. During training the models parameters are adjusted iteratively to minimize the difference between the generated outputs and the actual data. This process may involve techniques such as back propagation and gradient descent. Training can be computationally intensive and may require specialized hardware like GPUs, or TPUs. Number five, evaluate and fine tune. After the model has been trained, it is essential to evaluate its performance on unseen data. This evaluation can help identify any shortcomings or biases in the model's outputs. based on this feedback, the model may need to be fine tuned or retrained using different hyper parameters or additional training data. Number six, generate new samples. Once the model is trained, and fine tuned it can be used to generate new data samples. In the case of text generation, for example, the model can create new sentences, paragraphs or entire documents based on the patterns it's learning from the original dataset. By following these steps and iterating on the process, researchers and engineers can create generative AI models capable of producing outputs that closely resemble real world data, enabling a wide range of applications such as our generation, text completion, and data augmentation.

Matt Waller  18:32  
Chat, I'm going to ask you a question that's very relevant to Northwest Arkansas. Not an easy question. But here's the question. How can the cities of Northwest Arkansas make sure that we develop in a collaborative way that optimizes the use of space and resources and develops such that all of the efforts are complementary.

ChatGPT  18:59  
To ensure the cities of Northwest Arkansas develop in a collaborative, sustainable and complementary manner, it is essential to establish a comprehensive and inclusive regional planning framework. Here are some recommendations to achieve this goal. Number one, create a Regional Planning Committee, establish a Regional Planning Committee with representatives from each city in Northwest Arkansas. This committee will be responsible for coordinating and overseeing development efforts across the region, ensuring that projects align with shared goals and complement each other.

Matt Waller  19:35  
I'm going to interject here, of course we have the Northwest Arkansas Council, and you can see that ChatGPT-4 didn't include it for some reason, it should have but it didn't but this is why you still have to do your own research. Okay, chat, you can continue.

ChatGPT  19:52  
Number two, develop a shared vision, work together to create a shared vision for the region's future that reflects the aspirations and priorities of all stakeholders, including the residents, businesses and local governments. This vision should focus on optimizing resource use, promoting sustainable growth and enhancing the quality of life in the region. Number three, conduct regional assessments carry out comprehensive assessments to evaluate the current state of infrastructure, land use, transportation, housing, and economic development across the region. This will help identify areas of opportunity, potential challenges and shared priorities for future development. Number four, establish regional development guidelines. Develop a set of comprehensive guidelines and best practices that all cities can follow during the planning and implementation of development projects. These guidelines should encourage sustainable land use, resource management and infrastructure development, as well as promote equity and inclusivity. Number five, coordinate transportation and infrastructure, ensure that transportation and infrastructure projects are designed and implemented with a regional perspective. This includes integrating public transit systems, coordinating roadway expansions, and creating the interconnected bike and pedestrian networks to promote accessibility and reduce traffic congestion. Number six, promote economic collaboration, encourage collaborations between cities to support economic development initiatives that benefit the entire region. This can include joint marketing efforts shared business incubators and coordinated workforce development programs. Number seven, foster public engagement. engage residents, local businesses and community organizations in the planning process to ensure their inputted concerns are considered. This can be done through public meetings, online forums, and participatory planning workshops. Number eight, monitor progress and adapt, continuously monitor the progress of regional development efforts and make data driven decisions to adapt plans and strategies as needed. This will ensure that the region remains on track to achieve its shared vision and that resources are effectively allocated. By working together and adopting a regional approach to planning, the cities of Northwest Arkansas can optimize the use of space and resources, foster sustainable development and ensure their efforts are complementary and beneficial to the entire region.

Matt Waller  22:39  
If nothing else, I hope that listeners will see the importance of trying to understand this and probably the best way to do that is to start using it and reading about it. Less than 2% of people on the internet with access to the Internet are using it, generative AI at this point. That's at least something I read recently. Mike, thank you so much for serving as the chat GPT set in really appreciate it.

ChatGPT  23:10  
I learned a lot today dean, this was a very interesting overview of what artificial intelligence can do what it can produce. And quite frankly, it's so amazing. But I think the future of everything that we do may be very much directed to the world of artificial intelligence. So thank you for that opportunity.

Matt Waller  23:31  
On behalf of the Sam M Walton College of Business, I want to thank everyone for spending time with us for another engaging conversation. You can subscribe by going to your favorite podcast service and searching be epic B E E P I C

Matt Waller

Matthew A. Waller is dean emeritus of the Sam M. Walton College of Business and professor of supply chain management. His work as a professor, researcher, and consultant is synergistic, blending academic research with practical insights from industry experience. This continuous cycle of learning and application makes his work more effective, relevant, and impactful.

His goals include contributing to academia through high-quality research and publications, cultivating the next generation of professionals through excellent teaching, and creating value for the organizations he consults by optimizing their strategy and investments.