Let's Talk About Keeping Your Word

Let's Talk about Keeping Your Word
August 24 , 2023

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Let's Talk about Keeping Your Word

Program Overview

The Let's Talk about Keeping Your Word program is an opportunity for students, faculty, and staff at the Sam M. Walton College of Business to learn from experts about the importance of keeping your word and following through with your actions.

It's about maintaining trust and avoiding reputational harm.

This program consists of: 

  • Two guest speakers 
  • A podcast series 

A Closer Look

Dieselgate: The Volkswagen Scandal

The program takes a deeper dive into the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal or “Dieselgate.”   

In 2015, after years of promoting “clean diesel”, Volkswagen (VW) was cited by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for violating the Clean Air Act. 

Volkswagen had been cheating on emissions tests for their diesel-powered vehicles for several years prior. During emissions testing, these VW vehicles were designed to show low emissions; however, when on the open road, the vehicles emitted up to 40 times more pollution than U.S. standards allowed. 

VW eventually plead guilty to cheating and obstruction of justice. The plea agreement resulted in probation for three years under an independent corporate compliance monitor. 

In total, the VW Dieselgate scandal has cost the company over $30 billion in fines and penalties. 


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About the Podcast

“American Scandal: Volkswagen Diesel Scandal” is a six-episode podcast series created by Wondery. The podcast takes a deep dive into Volkswagen’s diesel emissions scandal  

The episodes start with the lead up to how the scandal began with a dramatized reenactment of events. The series aims to share the story of how one carmaker duped their drivers and the consequences they faced. 

About the Speakers

Michele Edwards has over 25 years of experience in fraud, compliance risk management, auditing and monitoring. In 2017, Edwards served as Chief of Staff for the independent compliance monitor and auditor team appointed by the Department of Justice for the VW monitorship. 

Read the Michele Edwards recap. 

Cindy Moehring is the founder and executive chair of the Business Integrity Leadership Initiative. With three decades of experience in the legal, ethics and compliance industry, Cindy offers a deeper insight into the lessons learned and the ethics (and lack thereof) involved in the Dieselgate scandal. 


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Blythe EgglestonBlythe Eggleston serves as the director of Walton College Executive Education. She holds bachelor’s degrees in public relations and journalism from Texas Tech University and a master’s of education from the University of Arkansas. She worked for Murphy Oil in human resources and supply and transportation roles. Eggleston also worked in change management and training development at Accenture serving clients such as Texas Instruments, Enron, Clariant, ExxonMobil Downstream and ExxonMobil Chemical.