Faculty Resources

The Office of Diversity & Inclusion has compiled a list of resources for further education and professional devolopement. The links below include podcasts, articles, and books. We encourage all faculty and staff members to take advantage of these resources.

Faculty Development Media Resources 




Teaching in Higher Ed

This is Faculty Development for Professors. This is the space where we explore the art and science of being more effective at facilitating learning. We also share ways to increase our personal productivity, so we can have more peace in our lives and be even more present for our students.



FacDev4Me is a faculty development podcast series from the Wake Forest School of Medicine. Check out these short interview-style episodes from Dr. Randy Clinch on various topics pertinent to faculty teaching in the health professions setting!


Teaching, Learning, and Everything Else

Teaching, Learning, and Everything Else is a podcast produced by the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Faculty Development at Xavier University of Louisiana. Since 2008, we have been sharing conversations with innovative educators across the country and around the world. Each episode consists of a conversation with a teacher in higher education. The interviews are conducted by CAT+FD staff on a rotating basis.


Faculty Factory

The mission of the Faculty Factory is to build and support a community of leaders in faculty development who share tools, resources, wisdom, and encouragement in service to our faculty members, schools, and institutions. 




Racism and Racial Injustice in America: Resources and Talking Points for Families and Youth 

Dr. Kecia Carroll is the Associate Professor of Pediatrics and the Director of Faculty Inclusion and Diversity for the Pediatric Office of Faculty Development. On this episode of Roots and Wings she sits down with podcast host, Jonquil Newland, to discuss the current racial climate in America and how families and adults can have healthy discussions about race and racial injustice with their families, children, and youth.     


A Guide to Faculty Development by Kay J. Gillespie, Douglas L. Robertson 

Assembled and written under the auspices of the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education, this book is a fundamental resource for faculty developers, as well as for faculty and administrators interested in promoting and sustaining faculty development within their institution. Based on POD's classic volume. 

Library Access: Available 


Faculty Development: A Resource Collection for Academic Leaders by Magna Publications Incorporated 

As an academic leader, you can't overlook the importance of effective faculty development. New teachers need training that introduces sound pedagogical principles, while experienced faculty need continued professional development that keeps their teaching fresh and energized. From developing meaningful evaluations to implementing constructive mentoring programs, there are countless measures you can take to improve faculty development at your institution, but there are also a lot of areas where these things can go wrong. If you're looking for concrete ideas that will help boost faculty development on your campus, look no further than Faculty Development: A Resource Collection for Academic Leaders! This guide, which collects more than 30 of the finest articles from the established Academic Leader newsletter, Distance Education Report, Magna 20-Minute Mentors, and Magna Online Seminars, brings you specific, practical, and actionable ideas for effective faculty development at your institution. Faculty Development: A Resource Collection for Academic Leaders is presented in four sections covering all aspects of faculty development, from establishing a faculty development program to ensuring experienced faculty's continued growth.

Library Access: Not Available 


Elsevier’s Faculty Development: An interactive solution 

There's no better way to build your teaching skills! Elsevier's Faculty Development: An Interactive Solution provides a comprehensive, one-stop solution to help you improve your effectiveness in the classroom and advance your career. A combination handbook and self-guided online course make it easy to progress through the material at your own pace. You will study topics such as learning theories, course planning, classroom management, assessment writing, and best-practice instruction methods for a variety of settings, supplemented throughout with interactive exercises, case scenarios, and critical thinking questions to help you put it into practice.

Library Access: Not Available 


Research on University Teaching and Faculty Development: International Perspectives 

The book Research on University Teaching and Faculty Development: International Perspectives contains twenty-five solid and powerful chapters treating research aspects that reflect current university issues in ten countries. The book has been written by 60 proficient educators and accredited researchers. They have explored university teaching and faculty development as a field of inquiry that uses qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches for studying almost forty university topics. These themes range from academic planning, accountability, and action research to change in teacher education.

Library Access: Not Available 


Diversity, Equity, an Inclusion: Strategies for Facilitating Conversations on Race

Facilitating conversations about race often involves tension, as both the facilitators and participants bring emotional experiences and their deeply held values and beliefs into the room. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Strategies for Facilitating Conversations on Race guides facilitators through a process of becoming comfortable with the discomfort in leading conversations about racism, privilege and power. This book walks you through the important steps to create a foundation where participants feel brave enough to take risks and share their stories and perspectives. It guides you through strategies for engaging participants in courageous conversations with one another in ways that don’t shame and blame people into understanding. This book is a useful tool for individuals, organizations and college professors who are interested in learning techniques for guiding their audience through dialogue whereby they become open to listening to one another for understanding rather than holding on to old beliefs and maintaining a posture of defense.

Library Access: Available 


Inclusion: Diversity, The New Workplace & The Will to Change

In the rapidly changing business landscape, harnessing the power of diversity and inclusion is essential for the very viability and sustainability of every organization. Talent who feel fully welcomed, valued, respected, and heard by their colleagues and their organizations will fuel this growth. We will only succeed in this transformation if those in leadership pivot from command and control management styles to reinvent how we look at people, every organization’s greatest asset. It’s also critical that we build systems that embrace diversity in all its forms, from identity and background to diversity of thought, style, approach, and experience, tying it directly to the bottom line.

Library Access: Not Available 


Belonging: The Key to Transforming and Maintaining Diversity, Inclusion and Equality at Work 

One in four US workers feels they do not belong at work. Structural racism, the patriarchy of the boardroom, pay disparities are just a few of the obstacles in our workplaces that systematically alienate and repress employees of color, women, LGBTQ workers, and employees with disabilities, but the statistics are clear: companies with diverse management teams report 19 percent higher revenues, and are far more likely to perform above their industry medians. Diversity in business is good for everyone-so why do women and minorities make up only 34% of boards of Fortune 500 companies? The book sets out to understand why more men aren't engaged with D&I initiatives in organizations--at one extreme they may be feeling actively hostile, and threatened by the changing cultural landscape. Others may be unmotivated to change: they may see diversity as a good thing in the abstract but can't see what's in it for them. Many will be open-minded and supportive, while still feeling unsure about what to do.

Library Access: Not Available 


Carnegie Mellon 

This document was created in response to faculty requests for information and advice concerning teaching in an increasingly multi-cultural setting, and it is organized around issues raised by faculty themselves in a series of discussions conducted over the past several years. The information and suggestions presented here draw on the perceptions and experiences of Carnegie Mellon students and faculty, the combined experiences of the Intercultural Communication Center and the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence, and current educational research





Creating and Implementing a DEI Strategy

DEI is a long-term change process that can be a big undertaking for companies who have yet to create a DEI plan or who are looking to revamp their current process. Whether you are just

starting your planning process or looking to enhance your DEI strategy, we will go over the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation that is needed for DEI in 6 key component areas.



Create a Culture of Inclusion 

Workplace cultures strong in diversity, inclusion, and belonging have been linked to increased organizational productivity. BetterUp integrates evidence-based methods with scalable coaching strategies and robust analytics to transform your culture from the core of your organization — your people. We deliver holistic, personalized experiences that create meaningful change and support internal, personal growth.



Online Diversity; Workplace Diversity, Inclusion & Sensitivity 

35-minute course that explores the concepts of racial identity, racism, diversity, inclusion, sensitivity, and unconscious bias in today’s modern workplace. Topics are presented in interactive episodes, with realistic video scenarios, knowledge checks and other assessments that prompt learners to think about their own assumptions, behaviors, and experiences. Employees gain a deeper understanding of the many benefits of an inclusive culture and setting a positive example for treating everyone with civility and respect.




Designed to meet employees and organizations where they are in their learning journey, EVERFI’s new Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging courses help employees and organizational leaders gain the skills they need to collaborate in an increasingly diverse workforce. Through skill-building scenarios, our course will empower employees with actionable information and skills that will contribute to a healthy, inclusive, and equitable working environment.



American University; Leveling the Playing Field: Intersecting Race and Disabilities 

The annual American University (AU) School of Education Summer Institute on Education Equity and Justice (SIEEJ) was developed to provide professional development opportunities for community members, particularly educators, who want to learn promising practices that lead to equitable educational outcomes for underserved students, families, and communities. This year, #SIEEJthemoment as we move sessions virtually.





Association of American Colleges & Universities
Advancing Diversity and Inclusion through Strategic Multilevel Leadership

Calls to advance diversity and inclusion on our campuses often stem from different constituencies, including presidents, faculty, and students. How do we as educational developers charged with enhancing teaching and learning at colleges and universities respond to these calls in ways that satisfy the needs of various stakeholders, ensure successful outcomes, and enact our values?1 Advancing diversity and inclusion involves working at multiple levels, from the individual faculty member to the entire institution.2 Bridging these levels of work requires managing complexity. In this article, we describe how five institutions have employed the dynamic relationship between university-wide leadership efforts (the macro level); interactions and initiatives within the school, college, or department (the meso level); and efforts by individual instructors and activists (the micro level) to create change at their institutions.



Shaping the Public Narrative about Teaching and Learning 

An urgent crisis is before us. A huge gap has appeared between how the public perceives higher education and what academics and researchers at colleges and universities know to be true.
It is imperative that scholars and educators take the lead in closing this dangerous—and highly politicized—gap.



Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education 

The U.S. Department of Education’s mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. Integral to furthering that mission is supporting efforts to create diverse and welcoming campus communities for all students. Toward that end, the Obama Administration has encouraged institutions not only to attract and admit students from various backgrounds and experiences, but to support and retain these students once on campus. The Administration has also supported efforts by institutions of higher education to use legally permissible strategies to promote student body diversity on their campuses, including by issuing guidance and technical assistance to help institutions do so. Through all of these strategies, we can achieve the goal of preparing all of the nation’s students to be great citizens of the world and to compete in a global environment.



Refocusing on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion During the Pandemic and Beyond: Lessons from a Community of Practice 

For several years now, researchers and policymakers have been forecasting the shift in racial and ethnic demographics that is currently underway throughout the United States. These demographic changes have largely informed our understanding of diversity and inclusion as our universities prepared for the influx of a more diverse student body. Diversity brings with it a number of educational benefits, including improved racial and cultural awareness, enhanced critical thinking, higher levels of service to community, and a more educated citizenry, to name a few. However, other components—namely, equity and inclusion—are essential to delivering on diversity’s promise to higher education more broadly.





Diversity and Inclusion Certificate from Cornell University 
Stanford Diversity Certificate