Summer Research Grants

The Office of Diversity & Inclusion is pleased to announce the Summer Research Grants for 2021! These grants will provide support for faculty and Ph.D. student research projects about diversity and inclusion.

Diversity and Inclusion Summer Research Grant

The Office of Diversity & Inclusion (ODI) along with the Dean's Office will provide summer research support for faculty and/or Ph.D. student research projects about diversity and inclusion.


For the academic year 2021, research grants are intended to use an equity, access, diversity, and inclusion lens to research a legitimate and valued area of scholarship. The diversity research supports areas of focus on marginalized persons such as disability, gender, race/ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, age, sexual orientation, and/or intersectionality.

We are asking for research on the following topics:

Demands of the Food Bank; Mental Health; Impact of the Crown Act; Small Businesses; Food Deserts;Closing of large and small business; Health Disparities; The New Age of Protester; Education; Pivoting or adapting business models; Racial Uprises; Digital Divide; Corporate Layoffs; Unemployment; Policing Policy; Homelessness; Policing

Please submit proposals in PDF format electronically to Barbara Lofton at Proposals will be reviewed by the summer Diversity & Inclusion Research Grants Committee. Awardees will be notified within 30 days. Accepted proposals will be shared on our web and social media pages @walton_ODI.