Let's Talk About Fraud Guest Speaker: Walt Pavlo

Let's Talk About Fraud, Guest Speaker: Walt Pavlo
February 3 , 2021

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Walt Pavlo, the first guest speaker for this semester’s Let’s Talk about Fraud series, spoke on Jan. 27 via Zoom. Over 300 people registered for the event and over 200 participants attended live via Zoom. Students can find the link to the recording either below or watch it through the Suitable app.

The video recording of the event can be found below.

Pavlo is a nationally-recognized expert on white-collar crime and federal criminal justice. Having pled guilty to wire fraud and money laundering in one of the world’s largest accounting frauds in history, Pavlo possesses a first-hand perspective on white-collar crime, how it happens, and why people do it. 

In his Jan. 27 presentation, Pavlo shared lessons and stories from the likes of Abraham Lincoln to Mike Tyson. His presentation gave a detailed account of his white-collar crime, life in prison, and life afterwards, both personally and professionally. Given his first-hand experience, Pavlo was able to teach those in attendance about pressures that can drive white-collar crime, rationalizations for it, and what business managers should watch out for in their own professional futures. 

With such a great turnout and many insightful questions, Cindy Moehring and Pavlo will be hosting follow-up Instagram Live this Friday 2/5/21 on the BILI Instagram to answer additional questions. This is open for everyone to join and participate. Search @ ua_walton_business_integrity on Instagram.

Cindy Moehring also recently had the pleasure of hosting Pavlo on her video & podcast series, The BIS. There Pavlo talked about his early career story, and how easily fraud can occur if business managers succumb to the pressures.  He also shared what business schools can do to better prepare future business leaders to act and lead with integrity. Finally, Pavlo offered up a few suggestions from books, business articles, and TV shows that he believes are useful in illustrating white-collar crime and educating those wanting to learn more.

Let’s Talk participants will have an opportunity to hear another first-hand account of white-collar crime from our next guest speaker, Richard Bistrong on Feb. 17 at 6 p.m. This time with the focus on bribery and government corruption.

Sign up for Bistrong’s session, today