Let’s Talk Diversity: Moving from Inequity and Exclusion to Action

A book, workshop, and speaker series for students, faculty, staff and the community to initiate, inform, and enhance discussions about what racism is, how to speak up about it, and engage in productive dialogue.

Required Activites for the "Let's Talk: Diversity" Certification

Let’s Talk Diversity: Moving from Inequity and Exclusion to Action

  • Read the book: “The Color of Law” by Richard Rothstein, a book about the history of the role of government in racial residential segregation. 
  • Attend at least 4 of 6 weekly workshops during October and November 2021 where topics from the book are explored in deeper detail.
  • Attend Presentation Via Zoom: Richard Rothstein, author of “The Color of Law,” November 4, 2021

