Careers and Job Resources at Walton College

Career Connections

Helping students succeed with unparalleled support.

The student journey is a paramount focus at the Walton College, with a dedicated support team offering unwavering assistance to everyone from freshman to graduate students.

From recruitment to commencement, the college provides an abundance of resources and programs designed to pave the path for success. These include Career Connections, the Business Communication Lab, Study Abroad, Scholarships, and more, all aimed at helping students excel both academically and professionally.

A professor teaches a class in the Walton College of Business


Average salary for a Walton undergrad business major


Job-seeking Walton undergrads employed at graduation


Average job offers received by Walton graduates


Average starting salary for MBA graduates


MBA students employed at graduation


MBA students employed within 3 months of graduation

View more data regarding student employment outcomes, from Walton Career Connections.

Employer Relations and Career Counseling 

At the intersection of employer relations and career counseling, we create a platform that bridges the gap between ambitious individuals and esteemed organizations. Our Career Connections team fosters strong relationships with a wide variety of employers, facilitating opportunities for our students to explore diverse career paths and secure fulfilling roles. We also provide comprehensive career counseling services, offering personalized advice and resources to help students begin their professional journeys. Our goal is to empower Walton students to make informed career decisions, and equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today's competitive job market. Visit Career Connections

Walton College staff members at a career connections at an event.

Top Companies Hiring Walton Students

Walton College Career Fair

Our career fair is organized twice a year, in the fall and spring, and is attended by hundreds of companies that range from entrepreneurial startups to Fortune 500 companies. Employers attend this event to secure both summer interns and post-grad employees, making it a pivotal opportunity for students. The connections made during these events are invaluable, often leading to interviews the very next day. This event is open to all business students from freshman to those working towards their MBA. Attend a Career Fair

A business student making connections with a company at Walton College Career Fair.