Let’s Talk About Fraud

Let's Talk about Fraud
December 18 , 2020

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Program Overview

The Let’s Talk about Fraud program, produced by the Walton College Business Integrity Leadership Initiative, consists of: 

  • Four speakers 
  • A require reading 

The speaker series comprises of two white-collar criminals, Walt Pavlo and Richard Bistrong. Both speakers spent time in jail for their crimes and are now devoting their professional efforts to education so others can learn from their mistakes. 

The Let’s Talk about Fraud book is “Why They Do It. Inside the Mind of the White Collar Criminal, by Harvard Business School Professor, Eugene Soltes. 

About the Badge

About the Speakers

Walt Pavlo, a former MCI/WorldCom executive, was convicted for his role in one of the largest accounting frauds in history. He now consults, writes and speaks on topics ranging from white collar crime to criminal justice. 

Read the Walt Pavlo recap. 

Richard Bistrong, a former VP of International Sales for a publicly traded, multi-national company, was convicted for his role in conspiring to pay bribes to agents at the United Nations and foreign government officials in exchange for business. 

Read the Richard Bistrong recap. 

Chuck Duross, a former Deputy Chief of the Department of Justice’s Criminal Fraud Section, is now a globally recognized white collar criminal defense attorney with Morrison Foerster. Chuck is internationally recognized for his leading role in developing and implementing the government’s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act enforcement strategy. 

Read the Chuck Duross recap.

 Eugene Soltes, the author of the required reading, is a Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. Eugene’s work focuses on corporate integrity and utilizing data analytics to predict, detect, and mitigate issues related to organizational misconduct. 

Read the Eugene Soltes recap. 


How to Earn the Badge

Log in to your Suitable account and find the "Let's Talk about Fraud" activity.

Undergraduate students

Achieve the Let’s Talk about Fraud badge by completing the following activities:

  • Watch the recording of Walt Pavlo's speaker presentation and write a reflection on main takeaways (a minimum of 5 sentences). 
  • Watch the recording of Richard Bistrong's speaker presentation and write a reflection on main takeaways (a minimum of 5 sentences). 
  • Watch the recording of Chuck Duross's speaker presentation and write a reflection on main takeaways (a minimum of 5 sentences). 
  • Optional - Read the book Why They Do It. Inside the Mind of the White Collar Criminal, by  Eugene Soltes.

Let's Talk about Fraud Badge