The second semester of our 6 semester “Let’s Talk” program series will focus on fraud and more specifically, white-collar crime.
“This semester’s program was designed to give participants first-hand insight into what white collar crime is, why people do it, and how it can be avoided” said Cindy Moehring, Founder and Executive Chair of the Business Integrity Leadership Initiative.
Each semester will focus on one of 6 principles of business ethics. Last semester’s program dealt with the principle of respecting everyone’s autonomy with a specific focus on racism. This semester’s program, “Let’s Talk about Fraud,” will deal with the principle of avoiding fraud and improper deceit.
Why This Topic?
“Everyone should be thinking about fraud right now. Covid-19 has caused fraud rates to increase dramatically, with cyber-fraud leading the way,” said Moehring. According to at least one survey 51% think that fraud is going to increase significantly over the next 12 months.
Semester Lineup
The Let’s Talk series comprises of 3 different components:
- a book of the semester
- a speaker series
- a workshop
This semester, four guest speakers will present their differing first-hand experiences with white-collar crime. We will hear accounts of why people commit white collar crimes from Walt Pavlo and Richard Bistrong, both of whom were former executives who spent time in jail for their crimes.
“Hearing directly from individuals who were convicted of white-collar crime can be very instructive,” said Moehring. “These crimes don’t happen by people just waking up one day and saying to themselves, ‘Today I’m going to engage is bribe someone, or participate in one of the largest accounting frauds ever.’ It happens over time with small decisions that start to head in the wrong direction. The key is to be aware of, and recognize, the warning signs early on, and to know what to do about it.”
Conversely, Chuck Duross, a white-collar criminal defense attorney and former Deputy Chief of the Department of Justice’s Criminal Fraud Section, will provide a prosecutor’s perspective and a criminal defense attorney’s perspective. Interesting, Duross was in the prosecutor’s role during Bistrong’s case. “This connection between two of the speakers will provide some interesting context to the program, said Moehring.
Lastly, we will host Harvard Business School Professor Eugene Soltes, author of this semester’s book, “Why They Do It, Inside the Mind of the White Collar Criminal.” Soltes interviewed over 50 white collar criminals including Bernie Madoff to explain the mindset, rationalizations, and steps that lead to committing white-collar crime.
After hearing from the guest speakers and reading Soltes’ book, participants in the program will attend a workshop where the book and the topic will be discussed in greater detail.
Register to Participate in Let’s Talk About Fraud
This semester’s program is available to students, faculty, business professionals, and the entire University of Arkansas system.
Student participants will have the opportunity to earn a career readiness badge, and faculty, staff, and community attendees can earn a LinkedIn e-certificate.
Find more information about the student badge, e-certificate and program requirements.
To take advantage of this unique opportunity, be sure to register to attend the virtual events listed below!
Register for each event below:
Speaker: Walt Pavlo via Zoom
January 27, 6-7 pm
Speaker: Richard Bistrong via Zoom
(for Walton College Students, Faculty, Staff)
February 17, 6-7 pm
Speaker: Chuck Duross via Zoom
March 3, 6-7 pm
Speaker: Eugene Soltes
March 17, 6-7 pm
Educational Workshop On Fraud via Zoom
April 7, 6-8 pm
For more information on the program email the Business Integrity Leadership Initiative at
Connect with Walton College.
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