New Fall Program: Let’s Talk About Integrity and Race

A group of students having a conversation
August 18 , 2020

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We are excited to announce a significant new program for this fall – Let's Talk About Integrity and Race.

This is a book, workshop, and speaker series for students, faculty, and staff at the Sam M. Walton College of Business to initiate, inform, and enhance discussions about what racism is, how to speak up about it, and engage in productive dialogue.

In addition to having a "book of the semester" to be read and discussed, workshops, and a speaker series, the program includes a deeper-dive option with weekly workshops and a movie night.

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We also plan to extend an invitation to everyone else at the University of Arkansas to join with us in our book discussions and to hear our speakers.

Let's Talk about Integrity and Race

Let's Talk About Integrity and Race is being organized and led by the college's Office of Diversity and Inclusion and that office's director, Barbara Lofton, and by its Business Integrity and Leadership Initiative, headed up by Cindy Moehring, the initiative's founder and executive director.

Aspects of the overall program that we believe will lead to more and better discussions of race and integrity are:

  • The Book of the Semester: "So You Want to Talk About Race" by Ijeoma Oluo, a New York Times best-selling book that offers a hard-hitting but user-friendly examination of race in America.
  • Speakers via Zoom gatherings
  • A workshop to discuss how to give voice to your values andthe Book of the Semester.
  • Weekly workshops in September and October where "Giving Voice to Values" and the Book of the Semester will be discussed in bite-size chunks.
  • A movie night to watch a streaming presentation of "Just Mercy" and an online discussion of issues raised by the movie.

Undergraduate students in the Sam M. Walton College of Business who participate in the program this semester will also enhance their career readiness skills by earning a Let's Talk about Integrity & Race badge in the Students Achieving Milestones “S.A.M” app.

The Let’s Talk program activities will also count toward achieving two overall S.A.M. badges:

Students can share these verified badges on their LinkedIn profiles and resumes to show prospective employers that they have achieved a level of proficiency in these important areas.

Learn more about Walton College Competency Bages >     Learn more about the badges that can be earned in this program >

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For more information on the program email Barbara Lofton at or Cindy Moehring at