EPIC Books

Epic Books: From Insights to Action

We capture the expertise of our faculty, alumni, and stakeholders and share their pragmatic, action-oriented ideas with our readers.

We publish authors whose insights can make readers care and think about business in new ways.

About EPIC Books

Arkansas: Leadership Happens Here

Discover how Arkansas businesses shape how we think about leadership, entrepreneurship, and business growth.

book cover: purple on the inside book cover: values driven authentic leadership book cover: deans list: Leading a Modern Business School book cover: Confessions of an Entrepreneur

The Future of Business

Learn more about the emerging technologies that will drive value creation in the years to come.

book cover: Etherium for Business book cover: Blockchain Foundations book cover: Blockchain Fundamentals

About Epic Books

Epic Books focuses on emerging technology, leadership, entrepreneurship, and Arkansas business narratives. We capture the expertise of the faculty, alumni, and other stakeholders of Sam M. Walton College at the University of Arkansas and then share their pragmatic, action-oriented ideas and experiences with our readers.

Ryan Sheets is the publisher of Epic Books and the editor-in-chief of Walton Insights. He also serves as the Director of the Business Communication Lab and teaches business communication classes to undergraduate and graduate students at the Walton College.

Prior to joining the University of Arkansas in 2017, he braved Midwestern winters at the University of Iowa and the University of Illinois.