When the local Alpha Iota chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, an international honors organization for financial information students and professionals,
is not exploring aspects of their profession, they are doing good for the community.
In fact, part of BAP’s mission is to foster lifelong ethical, social and public responsibilities.
In October, the chapter organized and facilitated a food drive to benefit those in
need in Northwest Arkansas.
“We collected donations from October 14-20,” said Tom Hayes, associate professor of
accounting and BAP faculty advisor. “We bagged everything up on October 20th during
our weekly meeting and delivered the goods to the NWA Food Bank on October 28th.”
“The food drive was so important to us because it is such an effective way to help
the community and is a great way for more of our members to be able to participate
through donating,” said Joe Solon, president of BAP and accounting graduate student
(Master of Professional Accounting, May 2023). “In total we had 58 members donate
at least one item for the Thanksgiving rush – many members brought two.”
Beta Alpha Psi promotes academic excellence, professional development, responsible
practices, advocacy and ethical leadership. The organization includes more than 300
chapters on college campuses and over 300,000 members.
To advance its mission, BAP incorporates professional mentorships, competitions, awards
and more.
“Students should join Beta Alpha Psi to expand their professional network and gain
valuable perspectives through various professional opportunities,” Solon said. “Being
able to learn and meet all the different people from companies around NWA and within
the Beta Alpha Psi organization has been a very fulfilling opportunity.”
BAP members also benefit from guest speakers and networking events.
“Throughout the semester, we have guests from accounting firms and other companies
that present to the group,” Hayes said. “We also have a service project coming up
the first week of December for the Ronald McDonald House. We are partnering with a
regional firm (Landmark CPAs) to make toiletry and snack bags for the Ronald McDonald
House to distribute. We also organize the Meet the Employers event every fall and
spring where we bring in various employers to network with our accounting and finance
The group meets weekly and hosts guest speakers from public accounting firms and Fortune
500 organizations to discuss industry topics. Walton College accounting faculty also
discuss the CPA exam, graduate degrees and other opportunities with BAP members. Overall,
the organization assists financial information students prepare for accounting, finance
and information systems careers and network with possible employers.
“To join BAP, you must have at least a sophomore status, be an accounting, finance
or information systems major, and hold at least a 3.0 GPA,” Hayes said.
Whether volunteering to better the community or advancing professional opportunities,
Beta Alpha Psi is an organization that counts. Learn more about Beta Alpha Psi and
apply to become a member through the Registered Student Organization website.