Cindy Moehring Focuses on Business Integrity for Students at UA

Cindy Moehring
December 6 , 2022  |  By Lori McLemore

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Cindy MoehringRecently Cindy Moehring, founder and director of the Business Integrity Leadership Initiative at the Sam M. Walton College of Business, was featured in Arkansas Business in its Executive Q&A series.

In the article, Moehring shares her views on integrity:  teaching it, defining it and where many fall short. She also discusses how important ethical leadership is to a company.

"Tone at the top in any organization is extremely important. Without it, the organization doesn’t really have a strong ethical anchor."

Integrity is important at every level of a company. Learning more as a student is a great first step.

Read the full article in the Dec. 5, 2022, edition of Arkansas Business.