Walton College Information Session: So You Want to Be a Lecturer

Guest lecturer Jeff Metzner, vice president of Walmart team marketing and communications at Procter & Gamble, shares his marketing and branding expertise in professor Molly Rapert’s marketing class.
April 24 , 2023  |  By Lori McLemore

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The Sam M. Walton College of Business is hosting an information session, So You Want to Be a Lecturer, on May 2 for local business retirees and working professionals who want to share their industry expertise with students.

Brent Williams, senior associate dean and Garrison Endowed Chair in Supply Chain Management, will kick off the session and serve as the moderator with three guest panelists sharing their instructional experiences at Walton College.

Working as either a guest lecturer for one class or as a part-time employee for a full semester can connect industry professionals with potential corporate interns and the campus community. It provides an opportunity to share industry trends and niche business expertise.

The event will be held on Tuesday, May 2, in Willard J. Walker Hall (WJWH) Room 203 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. on the University of Arkansas campus. Parking is available in the Harmon Garage (HAPG) locate on Duncan Avenue in Fayetteville. Lunch will be served.

To register or for additional information, email Chase Smith, event coordinator, at CSmith3@walton.uark.edu.

Lori McLemore
Lori McLemore is the assistant director for the Graduate School of Business. In this role, she writes press releases and features articles to promote the work of students, faculty and staff involved in graduate programs and in research.

Prior to working at Walton College, she worked as the director of web strategy and operations for Boys & Girls Clubs of America, the national headquarters for 3,500 Boys & Girls Clubs. She was part of the core team to establish an intranet site for Clubs around the globe and the public internet site for the national nonprofit located in Atlanta.

Lori holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from Auburn University ... and loves BOTH the Arkansas Razorbacks (Woo Pig!!) and the Auburn Tigers (War Eagle!!)