Orientation Section 3: Registration How-To's

Orientation Section 3:
Registration How-To's

One of the most important parts of New Student Orientation is registration for classes. While Walton students are pre-enrolled in the majority of the courses that they will need in their first semester, most students will need to add one or two classes, and many may need to make adjustments to their schedules. This section provides some brief how-to videos for using UAConnect, the University of Arkansas student information system. Help with additional topics can be found in the UAConnect Knowledge Centers.

Your UAConnect Student Homepage

Review the tiles on your UAConnect Student Homepage.

Referenced in This Video:

Student Homepage Detail

Adding A Class

Learn how to add classes to your schedule.

Referenced in This Video:

UAConnect: Enroll in a Class

Dropping and Swapping Classes

Review the Drop and Swap functions to remove or change the classes on your schedule.

Referenced in This Video:

UAConnect: Drop a Class

UA Connect: Swap a Class

Schedule Planner

Use the Schedule Planner tool to view options andcreate your schedule.