2022 Student and Alumni Awards
At the close of each academic year, Walton College gathers to celebrate award-winning students and alumni. The individuals honored at this year's awards recognition ceremony greatly embody the EPIC values of the Walton College in their academic and professional careers.
Student Awards
Jump to: Departmental Outstanding Students / University & College Awards / Outstanding Master's Students
Accounting Department: Outstanding Students
Finance Department: Outstanding Students

Caroline Spence
General Business: Outstanding Student
International Business: Outstanding Student
Management Department: Outstanding Students

Jacob Herring
Marketing Department: Outstanding Students

Anna Kocour
Retail: Outstanding Student
Supply Chain Management Department: Outstanding Students

Kyle Grabhorn

William McDonald

Lane Witt
Senior Scholars: University & College Awards

Carlin Beiler

Brent Buhler

Robert Connor

Shea Gieselmann

Kyle Grabhorn

Alyssa Hernandez

Shiho Kato

Anna Kocur

James Neal

Cole Pietig

Caroline Spence
First-Ranked Senior Scholars: University & College Awards
Presidential Scholar: University & College Awards
Beta Gama Sigma Award: University & College Awards
Sam M. Walton College of Business Student Leadership Award: University & College Awards
Outstanding Graduating Student: University & College Awards
Master of Business Adminstration: Outstanding Master's Students

Amy Hopper (Executive MBA)

Catherine Kelley (Full-Time MBA)

Stacy Tan (Executive MBA)
Economics Department: Outstanding Master's Students

George Agyeah (MA Economics)

Katie Games
(MS Economic Analytics)
Finance Department: Outstanding Master's Students
Information Systems Department: Outstanding Master's Students

Jake Borlund (MABA)

Caitlin Laney (Professional MABA)

Beth Vandiver (Professional MIS)

Chenwei Wu (MIS)
Supply Chain Management Department: Outstanding Master's Students
Student Bios
Dami Abe
Dami earned an associate’s degree at NWACC before transferring to the Walton College. There, she was president of Phi Theta Kappa honor society, led an Honors in Action research project on the foster care system, receiving an Award of Distinction, was recognized as "Outstanding Honor’s Program Student" and served as on the Student Ambassador and Government Association (SAGA). She was a recipient of the Honors Program, SAGA, Schywart Endowed and Blanche Bledsoe Rosecrans & Clarence J. Rosecrans Sr. Memorial Scholarships and the Non-Resident Tuition Award. She is a member of Beta Kappa Psi honor society and a Student Leader at Chi Alpha Campus Ministry. After graduation, Dami will work for a full-time for a year before attending graduate school.
Dami says her key learning is "Bloom where you are planted."
George Agyeah
George was named the Frederic Bastiat Fellow and Don Lavoie Fellow at George Mason University and was previously awarded a Distinguished Doctoral Fellow at the University of Arkansas. Prior to enrolling at the University of Arkansas, he received several awards, including Best Economics Department Graduate Student at Western Illinois University, first place in a graduate student research conference poster division, and the Ghana Government Outstanding Student Scholarship Award. George plans to continue his graduate education at the Walton College upon completion of his Master of Arts in economics.
George says his key learning is “[b]eing proactive saves you a lot of time in the future.”
Will Ballard
Will is a Walton Honors student. He is a recipient of the Leadership Scholarship and the New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award Scholarship. He is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and Sigma Alpha Epsilon and has interned at Lagniappe Labs. After graduation, Will plans to join the workforce full time.
Riley Barker
Riley received the Arkansas Lottery Scholarship and Arkansas Rehabilitation Scholarship and volunteered for Razorback Food Recovery and Full Circle Food Pantry. She participated in Future Women Business Leaders, worked as a CRM for Farmers Insurance part-time and served as a volunteer volleyball coach. After graduating in December, she moved to Houston and started work as an event marketing specialist for TechTronic Industries. In addition to her job, Riley has started a certificate program to further her technical skills.
About her best moment at Walton, Riley says, “Once I transferred to the University of Arkansas my sophomore year, a pivotal moment for me happened in my first class in the Walton College of Business. When I looked around at my professors, fellow students and all of the opportunities and resources the Walton College provided; I realized I had every thing I needed to succeed and the only thing I had to do was reach out and utilize everything around me.”
Summer Beale
Summer received a Leadership Scholarship and was Marketing Manager for SAKE and officer for Kappa Delta Sorority. She also served as Worship Leader and Small Group Leader at Cross Church College. After graduating, Summer work as a field sales and marketing representative in the Leadership Development Program at Techtronic Industries in Fort Myers, Florida.
About her time at Walton, Summer says, “In my time as a Marketing Manager in SAKE, having the opportunity to create and present semester successes and failures with my team to the Board of Directors pushed me to grow in my analytical, public speaking, and professional skills and gave me an invaluable learning experience that has helped to shape me as a woman in business as I approach the beginning of my professional career.”
Jake Borlund
Jake completed a BA in Political Science magna cum laude at Cal State University - San Marcos. He was a member of Army ROTC and Distinguished Military Graduate. He served seven years of active duty in the military with deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan before starting his graduate program and, in February, became the father to a baby boy. He enjoys learning all things analytics and doing nearly anything outdoors. After graduation, Jake plans to seek full-time employment opportunities.
About his time at Walton, Jake says, “Pivoting from the military to the private sector can be an overwhelming task, but the staff and faculty at the Walton College have really taught me the continued importance of building a strong network of great friends and coworkers that can assist in accomplishing any task. The people around you are far more valuable than the technical tools used to meet goals and objectives.”
Jacob Broduer
Jacob has been on the Chancellor's List and Dean's List and earned a Honor's College Academy Scholarship. He is a Customer Insights Analyst for E2open and will continue after graduation.
About his key learning from Walton, Jacob says, “I somehow managed to enroll in the same course twice and learned that allotting yourself some down time to relax can save you from making stupid stress-induced mistakes.”
Abbey Bullock
Abbey is completing a double major in finance and accounting, graduating summa cum laude. She is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and a recipient of the Phillips 66 Accounting Scholarship and the Margaret F. Schamer Scholarship. Abbey has accepted a global tax analyst position with Walmart in Bentonville.
Jenna Byrom
Jenna served two terms as assistant treasurer for Beta Alpha Psi and volunteered at the Jane B. Gearhart Full Circle Food Pantry. Her post-graduate plans include earning a master’s degree in accountancy with an audit concentration.
Rebecca Carroll
Rebecca will graduate summa cum laude with a double major in accounting and information systems. She was co-president of Beta Gamma Sigma, vice president of the Student Ambassador Program and served as a Walton College Ambassador. Rebecca was also an associate justice on Associated Student Government Judicial Board and on the finance team for Kappa Delta sorority. In the fall, she will concentrate on taxation while pursuing a master’s degree in professional accounting.
About her time at Walton, Rebecca says, “The professors of the Walton College genuinely care about their students, and I'm thankful to have had the opportunity to learn from them both in and out of the classroom.”
Jeonghwa Chang
Jeonghwa is completing a degree in accounting. She was awarded the Blanche Bledsoe Rosecrans & Clarence J. Rosecrans Sr. Memorial Scholarship and the University Academic Scholarship. After graduation, Jeonghwa plans to take some down time before joining the workforce.
About her time at Walton, Jeonghwa says, “I was so proud of being a member at the Walton College because I have learned a lot about what business is and what I will be in the future.”
Alisha Chatlani
Alisha is completing a degree in finance. She is a Bodenhamer Fellow and a recipient of the Distinguished Governor’s, National Merit, and PEO Star Scholarships. She served on Associated Student Government for three years and was named outstanding judicial member. She has volunteered with Full Circle Food Pantry, University Programs, and as a refugee co-sponsor with Canopy NWA. Alisha plans to join the workforce full time upon graduation.
Abbie Cloutier
Abbie will be graduating summa cum laude with degrees in accounting and information systems. She is an honors student and an information systems student scholar. She is a member of Chi Omega and worked for the Walton College help desk throughout college. After graduation, Abbie will continue her education in the Master of Accountancy program at the Walton College, for which she is receiving a graduate assistantship.
Emma Conover
Emma is completing degrees in marketing and information systems. She received a Leadership Scholarship and Non-Arkansan New Resident Tuition Award and was on the Chancellor’s List every semester. She served as vice president of community relations for Pi Beta Phi and participated in the Venture Intern Program. After graduation, Emma will begin her career at Harvest Group in Rogers as Sales Insights Manager.
Cody Conway
Cody is completing degrees in accounting and finance. He has been named to the Chancellor's List and was a recipient of the Leadership Scholarship, Raymond Rebsamen Scholarship in Finance, and Mary E. Westpheling Scholarship. He is a member of BYX and a volunteer at Cross Church. Cody has accepted a position in financial modeling for Deloitte.
Grace Crain
Grace served as co-president of Beta Gamma Sigma, vice president of Walton Honors Student Executive Board, head delegate at Model United Nations, and a Lead Peer Mentor. She was elected 2021 Homecoming Queen and is this year’s Walton Commencement Speaker. After graduation, she will intern in Rome this summer and return in the fall to complete her MBA at the Walton College.
Halley Crommett
Halley earned a Certified Sustainable Supply Chain Professional designation through the International Supply Chain Education Alliance. She is a student ambassador for the Business Integrity Leadership Initiative, Volunteering Co-Chair for the Co-Op and Intern Network Employee Resource Group at Kimberly-Clark, and a member of Sigma Chi Mu Tau and Beta Gamma Sigma honor societies. She was co-host at ISCEA’s Global Sustainable Supply Chain Pledge Day for WISE and helped produce the Business Integrity Podcast: E.S.G. and Tech Ethics and the Let’s Talk Speaker Series on Forced Labor and Ethical Artificial Intelligence. After graduating, Halley will work in sustainability within the supply chain.
About her time at Walton, Halley says, “My goal in life is to help businesses take better care of our planet, and at Walton, I developed the skills I need to achieve it.”
Cameryn Cupelli
Cameryn is completing degrees in accounting and information systems. She has been named to the Chancellor's List and is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma. She has served as director of financial operations and president of Delta Delta Delta sorority, treasurer of Beta Alpha Psi, supplemental instructor for Accounting II, and a Walton Honors Peer Mentor. After graduation, Cameryn will intern at KPMG in Dallas with their Chief Information Officer Advisory.
Cameryn says, “My favorite moment in being in the Walton College was being chosen to be a Walton Honors Peer Mentor; I was so honored!”
Patrick Daniels
Patrick is completing an accounting degree. He has been named to the Chancellor’s List throughout his collegiate career and is a recipient of the University of Arkansas Leadership Scholarship. He has served on the Interfraternity Council and as community service chairman for Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. After graduation, Patrick will work as an auditor for BKD, LLP in Dallas.
Patrick says his best moment at Walton was “[l]istening to The Beach Boys every morning at 8:00am in Professor Norwood’s Accounting 1 class.”
Danga Deyasa
Danga is a member of Sigma Chi Mu Tau Supply and Beta Kappa Psi honor societies. She is also a member of Women Impacting Supply Chain Excellence and the Africa Student Association. After graduation, Danga will begin a job with Canoo, an electric vehicle start-up.
Jimmy Donlon
Jimmy is completing degrees in marketing and management. An Honors College Fellow, he conducted grant-funded, award-winning research about homelessness in NWA and was U of A Chancellor for the day in October. He is also the record holder for the intramural basketball shooting competition. After graduation, Jimmy will enter law school either at Georgetown University or the University of Virginia.
Megan Formwalt
Megan is a supply chain management and economics double major. She is president of Women Impacting Supply Chain Excellence, served on the Walton Honors Student Executive Board and is a Panhellenic Major Greek Award Recipient. She is a member of Sigma Chi Mu Tau Honor Society and Beta Gamma Sigma and has been named to the Chancellor's List every semester of her collegiate career. This summer, Megan will be interning for McDonald's within their supply chain management department in Chicago, Illinois.
Claire Furlow
Claire will graduate magna cum laude with a double major in accounting and finance. She is a member of Enactus, Future Women Business Leaders and Beta Gamma Sigma. She also served as a Resident Assistant. Her post-graduate plans include pursuing a master’s in professional accounting with a concentration in corporate accounting.
Katie Games
Katie completed her undergraduate degrees in Economics, Information Systems, and Management at the Walton College last year. She was named the Outstanding Student in Economics, a Senior Scholar, and received the summa cum laude distinction. She completed an honors thesis by doing research for a national park in Belize, had four internships, and coached kids’ mixed martial arts in her spare time. Katie has accepted a position with Tyson Foods in their IT department.
Maddie Gebhard
Maddie is completing an accounting degree and was awarded a graduate assistantship from the Accounting Department. She is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, Beta Alpha Psi, Alpha Omicron Pi sorority, and Hogs End Alzheimers. After graduation from the IMAcc program, Maddie will work as a Tax Associate for KPMG in Kansas City and pursue her CPA license.
Sophia Gesualdi
Sophia is completing an information systems degree. She served as President of the Walton Honors Student Executive Board, Resident Assistant in Humphreys Hall, lead peer mentor for honors freshmen, student ambassador, and summer orientation leader. She was also named the Presidential Scholar for the Walton College in 2021. After graduation, Sophia will work as a business systems analyst for Koch Industries.
Jonathan Goggins
Jonathan is completing a double major in finance and economics. He is a recipient of the Leadership Award, Florence K. McKee, Ethel Harper Phillips, and Colonel John P. Lake Scholarships. He served as treasurer of Beta Upsilon Chi Fraternity, an ASG senator, and member of the New Heights Church College Leadership Team. He is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, participated in the Capitaf Colloquium, studied abroad in Japan, and won distinguished delegation at the National Model United Nations. After graduation, Jonathan will pursue a master’s degree in economic analytics at the Walton College.
About his best moment at Walton, Jonathan says, “One of my favorite memories was getting to attend the Capitaf Colloquium with Dr. Stapp; I enjoyed getting to travel and stay in Vermont, while also having engaging and thought-provoking conversations.”
Dylan Goswick
Dylan is completing a double major in finance and economics. He served as president of This is Capitalism the Club Golf Team and portfolio manager of the Rebsamen Trust. He was recognized as a Capitaf Scholar by the Free to Choose Network and an Outstanding Delegate on the 2020 Model United Nations Team. He has been named to the Chancellor's List each semester of his collegiate career and is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma. After graduation, he will begin his career with Arvest Wealth Management on the fixed income portfolio management team.
About his key learning from Walton, Dylan says, “One thing that will always stick with me from my time at the Walton College is Dr. Stapp's words, ‘Always do your dead level best.’”
Dakota Gottlieb
Dakota has served as the accounting team manager for SAKE; a supplemental instruction leader, team mentor, and graduate assistant; a tutor for the Student Success Center; and a volunteer hockey coach for youth teams in Northwest Arkansas. He played for the Arkansas Razorbacks hockey team for three years and is now an assistant coach. After graduation, Dakota will work at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Northwest Arkansas as an assurance associate and pursue his CPA license. He also plans to continue coaching the Razorback hockey team.
About his time at Walton, Dakota says, “I learned the most important aspect of education is to be intellectually curious, that thirst for knowledge will fuel my lifelong growth and success.”
Annie Hagemeier
Annie is graduating summa cum laude with a double major in finance and accounting and has received scholarships from both departments. She has served as a member and leader of many student organizations including Beta Gamma Sigma, Beta Alpha Psi, and Pi Beta Phi. She also served as the communications director for the Walton Honors Executive Board and as an Honors College Ambassador for the past three years. After graduation, Annie will work as an audit intern at PricewaterhouseCoopers this summer and return to the Walton College for the Master of Accountancy program this fall, for which she has received a graduate assistantship.
Annie says her favorite moments at the Walton College were taking freshman honors classes with other students who would eventually become her life-long friends.
Ericka Hewes
Ericka completed her degree in December. She was named to the Dean’s List for eight semesters and was a member of Phi Mu, Future Women Business Leaders, Razorback Student Veterans, Student Society of Management Education, and the Razorback Foundation. Ericka works for Irby Electric on their human resources team and is part of Irby’s Emerging Leaders Program.
Ericka says, “My best moment at the Walton College was finally stepping foot on campus in January 2020, after years of dreaming to be a Razorback!”
Amy Hopper
Amy is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and the Ark Angel Alliance board, which is a statewide angel investor network. She was a recipient of the W.E. Manning Memorial Scholarship. Amy launched Horizon Health Solutions, a pharmacy software company, through the New Venture Development program and will continue as CEO of Horizon Health Solutions as well as a program manager at the Arkansas Research Alliance after graduation.
Madison Huskey
Madison is completing a degree in finance. She is a recipient of the Governor's Distinguished Scholarship, Chancellor's Scholarship, and Honors College Research Grant. She is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and Young Democrats of Arkansas. Madison is still exploring her options for after graduation.
Ehlysa Ingalls
Ehlysa is a Walton Honors Student and member of Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society. She received a Walton Honors College Study Abroad Scholarship and the Clark C. and Marie H. McClinton Endowed Scholarship. She was awarded the Chancellor’s Service Award and "Most Ready for the Real World" award from MARCOM Advertising Project client, GEN Z. She was a Walton Honors Peer Mentor and Student Executive Board Communications Committee member and events director. She served as vice president, new member coordinator and on the programs council for Zeta Tau Alpha sorority and interned with Tyson Foods. After graduation, Ehlysa will work as a senior marketing consultant at Multiview in Dallas.
About her key learning at Walton, Ehlysa says, “A key thing I learned from my experience at the Walton College is to not take opportunities for granted!”
Lindsey Jetton
Lindsey is completing degrees in accounting and supply chain management. She has served as vice president of finance for Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and Arkansas Supply Chain Association, attended Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals and Retail Industry Leaders Association conferences, and interned for J.B. Hunt and The Clorox Company. She is an Honors College Fellow, a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, an accounting and data analytics tutor and was the 2019 Social Innovation Challenge Champion. She attended the Pan Africa Christian University in Nairobi, Kenya, and after graduation will attend the New Heights Church Global Training School in Thailand. Lindsey has accepted a position with Walmart as a transportation analyst.
Jarrett Jones
JT received the Governor's and Chancellor's Scholarships. He is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and vice president of the Japanese Student Association. He served as a Resident Assistant for three years and was a marketing intern for University Housing. After graduation, Jarrett will work in Houston at national tech industry staffing company Beacon Hill.
Claire Kehoe
Claire is completing degrees in marketing and finance. She received the Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship and was recognized on the Dean’s and Chancellor’s Lists every semester. She is a member of Kappa Delta sorority and an Arkansas Razorback Diamond Doll. This past summer, she interned in Washington, D.C. for Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri. Claire has accepted a position as a financial analyst at American Airlines in Dallas.
About her time at Walton, Claire says, “Walton's faculty truly care about their students' successes inside and outside of the classroom. For me, professors Dub Ashton, Chris Medenwald, and Mike Duley have been excellent examples of this.”
Catherine Kelley
Catherine served as a graduate assistant for the Walton MBA Program. She also was a product leadership intern at NielsenIQ, with whom she has accepted a full-time position as a product manager in global platform development.
About her time at Walton, Catherine says, “The Walton College has pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me accomplish things I never thought possible! I am so grateful for my time spent here and cherish the faculty, staff, and my fellow students who made it so special.”
Kaitlin Ketchey
Kaitlin is the founder and president of Future Women Business Leaders and president of Alpha Lambda Delta. She is a member of Leadership Walton, Beta Gamma Sigma and Network of Executive Women. She received the Bill Cotton Scholarship, Sophomore Advantage Scholarship and Charles R. and Princess H. Jackson Endowed Scholarship. She was recognized with the “Best Intern Presentation” at the Internship Poster Conference and was named to the Chancellor’s and Dean’s Lists. After graduation, Kaitlin will work for Johnson and Johnson as a Customer Sales Analyst.
About her best moments at Walton, Kaitlin says, “The memorable interactions with students, faculty and staff as everyone would always come together to help one another grow.”
Claire Knetzer
Claire is a member of Kappa Delta sorority and has been named to the Dean’s List. She has served as events coordinator for Student Society of Management Education. After graduation, Claire plans to pursue a career in management in the Northwest Arkansas area
Caitlin Laney
Caitlin earned a bachelor’s degree in supply chain management from the Walton College and was awarded the Robert and Rosa M. Baker Scholarship, Margaret F. Schamer Scholarship and John Ozment Outstanding Junior Award. She is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and Sigma Chi Mu Tau honor societies, was a design team member at the McMillon Innovation Studio and served as a student advisor for Off-Campus Student Services. As a graduate student, she was awarded the W.E. Manning Memorial Scholarship, served as a tutor for the Student-Athlete Success Center and worked for the Walton Department of Finance and The Sustainability Consortium. After graduation, Caitlin will work as a technical consultant for the Rand Group.
Hannah Lee
Hannah is a member New Greek Council, Order of Omega, the Student Society for Management Education and Beta Gamma Sigma. She served as the Academic Affairs Specialist for Alpha Delta Pi and recently completed a year-long strategic sales internship at Colgate-Palmolive. After graduation, Hannah will be moving to Fort Worth work as a data analyst at American Airlines.
Spencer Ligon
Spencer was president of Arkansas Supply Chain Association and member of the Arkansas Trucking Association 40 Under 40 Council. He was awarded a SURF Grant for his Honors College thesis on the effects of COVID on small businesses. He is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and Sigma Chi Mu Tau honors societies. After graduation, Spencer will work for Whirlpool Corporation in their Global Supply Chain Leadership Development Program.
Emily Lyles
Emily is completing degrees in information systems and accounting and has served as a supplemental instructor in Accounting I, an Honors College Ambassador and exam proctor. She received the Chancellor’s Scholarship and Governor’s Distinguished Scholarship and was recognized on the Chancellor’s List. She is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta and Beta Alpha Psi. After completing her master’s degree in accounting, Emily will work on the assurance staff at EY in Dallas.
About her time at Walton, Emily says, “The Walton College has provided me with mentors, opportunities, and education that I do believe I would have been exposed to anywhere else.”
Jon Mahaffey
Jon is graduating summa cum laude with a degree in accounting. He has been recognized as a Senior of Significance by the Arkansas Alumni Association, a University of Arkansas Graduating Student Leader and received the Gold President’s Volunteer Service Award for over 675 volunteer service hours during his undergraduate career. He served as vice president of operations for the Volunteer Action Center and chair of the Jane B. Gearhart Full Circle Food Pantry and is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma. Jon has accepted a position as an audit associate with BKD in Rogers.
Laurel McCabe
Laurel is graduating summa cum laude with a degree in information systems. She is a recipient of the Honors College Scholarship and Governor’s Scholarship and a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, Walton Honors, and Alpha Lambda Delta. She has interned for J.B. Hunt since 2018. After graduation, Laurel will be attending the Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law on a Dean’s Scholarship.
Alex McJunkins
Alex is graduating summa cum laude with a triple major in finance, accounting, and economics. He served as president of the Walton College Finance Association; chairman of the Walton Dean’s Student Collaboration Team; and is a founder of Genesis Capital Group. He is also part of the Walton Honors Program. Alex has accepted a position as an investment banking analyst with the Bank of Montreal in San Francisco.
Laura Minton
Laura is graduating summa cum laude with degrees in accounting and finance. She served as president of Beta Alpha Psi, was recognized as Civilian of the Year in 2019 by UAPD and was a member of the University Symphony Orchestra. She is a recipient of the Ethel Harper Phillips, Conway and Margaret George, Billy E. and Bettye L. Lazenby Endowed, Beta Alpha Psi Community Service, Outstanding Juniors, Henry D. and Virginia L. Powell, Cecil and Becky Powers Memorial, and Bob E. Hall Scholarships. After graduation, Laura will work as a forensics, litigation and valuation services associate for Whitley Penn, LLP in Fort Worth.
About her time at Walton, Laura says, “Getting involved with Beta Alpha Psi was the best part of my college experience!”
Morgan Mzyk
Morgan was named the 2021 PCAOB Scholar, served as vice president of marketing for Beta Alpha Psi, and is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma. She has been named to the Chancellor’s List for four consecutive years, studied abroad in Ireland, interned for Phillips 66 and Deloitte, and served as a supplemental instructor for Accounting I. Morgan has accepted a position on the audit and assurance staff for Deloitte in Dallas.
Stephanie Nguyen
Stephanie is completing degrees in marketing and economics and is an Honors College Fellow and Arkansas Governor’s Distinguished Scholar. She received an Honors College Research Grant as well as a grant to study abroad in Mozambique. She is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and Order of Omega honor societies and a delegate at the Model United Nations Conference, where she was recognized for the Outstanding Position Paper and as a Distinguished Delegate. She was a member of the 2021 Homecoming Court, Homecoming Chair for Delta Delta Delta sorority, volunteer coordinator and vice president of communications for Razorback Food Recovery and served on the Volunteer Action Board. She was director of Community Service for Walton Honors Student Executive Board as well as Visual and Performing Arts Chair for University Programs, where she was recognized as Outstanding Council Member twice. After graduation, Stephanie plans to join the workforce full time.
About her time at Walton, Stephanie says, “Walton goes above and beyond to serve their students, and the relationships I’ve made here are irreplaceable. So proud to be a Walton graduate!”
Megan O'Brien
Megan is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha and a marketing associate for Aspen Heights. She has been on the Chancellor’s and Dean's List every semester, received the New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award and is a member of Future Women Business Leaders. This past summer, she was a marketing and community outreach intern at Travelstride in Austin, Texas. Megan has accepted an Au Pair position in Italy for the summer, after which she will pursue a career in marketing..
About her best moment at Walton, Megan says, “My favorite experience being part of the Walton College was getting the opportunity to study abroad in Alicante, Spain in January, while educating myself in European's economic and political structure. The most important lesson I learned through my professors is the importance and value of receiving feedback.”
Sara Oswalt
Sara is graduating summa cum laude with degrees in economics and international business. She received an Arkansas Governor's Scholarship and Chancellor's Scholarship. She serves as vice president and treasurer of Greek Life Facilitators and is a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority and Beta Gamma Sigma. After graduation, Sara will pursue the ATLANTIS program, a dual master's degree in agricultural economics and in rural development from a consortium of six European partner universities.
About her time at Walton, Sara says, “One of the best moments that I had at the Walton College was the study groups that formed for Dr. Stapp's econ exams and all the friends I made from them.”
Ryan Perez
Ryan is graduating summa cum laude with degrees in economics and management and is a member of the Student Society of Management Education. He has served as treasurer of Beta Gamma Sigma Honors Society, Head Delegate for National Model United Nations, supplemental instructor for microeconomics, EMPOWER mentor and a Walton Honors Peer Mentor. He is the recipient of the Silas Hunt Distinguished Scholarship, has been named a Capitaf Scholar and won the Outstanding Delegate Award for Model United Nations twice. In addition to his Walton honors thesis research, he created an original philosophical theory: "Moral Responsibility Spectrum Theory.” After graduation, Ryan will pursue law school and do humanitarian work.
Braden Petersohn
Braden is graduating summa cum laude with a double major in finance and accounting. He has served as a Walton Honors peer mentor, co-founder and vice president of the Trading Markets and Investments Student Organization and is a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity. He has interned for Veriship, Inc., C2FO, and Optum Health. Braden has accepted a position on the finance development team with AT&T in Dallas..
About his time at Walton, Braden says, “I will forever cherish the relationships I made with my fellow students and faculty at the Walton College.”
Grant Rainwater
Grant is completing degrees in accounting and information systems. He has run his own business selling goods on Amazon, worked as a supplemental instructor teaching microeconomics and completed internships with New Age Tickets, Cotiviti and Walmart. He is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and Beta Upsilon Chi fraternity, serving as concert committee chair and formal chair. Grant will complete the Master of Accountancy program at the University of Arkansas and wants to have all four CPA exam sections completed before graduation.
Grant says his best moment at Walton was “[w]orking as a supplemental instructor teaching microeconomics for four semesters provided me with such an amazing opportunity to improve my teaching skills and impact other students' college journey - a huge thank you to professors Braxton Gately, Ahmed Yousuf, and Tien Ngo for allowing me to assist with their classes!”
Sid Ramesh
Sid is completing a double major in finance and information systems. He is a recipient of the Honors College Fellowship and the Arkansas Governor’s Scholarship. He is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. Sid has accepted a position as an equity research analyst at Stephens Inc.
Casey Rivero
Casey is completing a degree in accounting and has been recognized on the Chancellor's List the past four years. She has been an Honors College Ambassador, interned for Koch Industries and is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma. After graduation, Casey will be moving to Houston to work as an associate consultant for Protiviti in their internal audit and financial advisory sector.
About her time at Walton, Casey says, “The Walton College helped me to realize my potential in both my professional and personal endeavors and led me to an incredible support system of peers and faculty.”
Erica Roberts
Erica worked as a supplemental instruction leader for Principles of Accounting and peer tutor in the Business Communication Lab. She also earned a minor in music and played cello in the University Symphony Orchestra and Dominic K. Na Cello Studio. After earning her master’s in professional accounting, Erica will start work as a tax accountant at Walton Enterprises in Bentonville.
Emily Schlichtig
Emily is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Delta Phi Alpha Honors Societies and served Alpha Delta Pi sorority as director of academic affairs as well as homecoming and spirit chair. She was a two-time recipient of the Major Greek award and Center for Community Engagement Award. She also participated in the SOAR After School Program, Student Mobilization, Pre-Law Society and Bridges International. Emily will pursue a dual master's degree in agricultural economics and rural development.
Dana Siverly
Dana is completing a degree in information systems. She has served as a Walton Honors Peer Mentor, Walton Honors Student Executive Board Tradition Committee Chair and lead Walton Ambassador. She was sisterhood enrichment team leader for Kappa Delta sorority, a Panhellenic recruitment counselor, vice president of programming for New Greek Council and vice president of judicial affairs and risk management for the Panhellenic Executive Board, during which the board was recognized as the top Panhellenic Council in the nation. She has studied abroad in Israel, interned for State Farm, won two enterprise-wide Hack Day competitions and was recognized with the Doyle Z. Williams Award for Student Service. Dana has accepted a position as a vulnerability analyst with State Farm in Dallas.
Dana says, “My favorite moment at Walton was being able to study abroad in Israel, learning more about their unique IT space while experiencing new cultures.”
Ben Slusher
Ben is completing a degree in finance. He is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and a recipient of the Ethel Harper Phillips Scholarship and University Academic Scholarship. Ben has accepted a full-time employment offer.
Ben says, “My best moment at the Walton College was through peers; sharing the individual knowledge that we had amassed throughout the years to collaborate on tough thought pieces or meaningful assignments were some of the best times Walton provided.”
Madelaine Smith
Madelaine is a member of Leadership Walton, Pi Beta Phi sorority, SAKE, and Future Women Business Leaders. She has served as an FBC peer mentor and holds a Bloomberg Market Concepts certification. After graduation, Madelaine will be employed at Goldman Sachs in Dallas as a financial analyst.
About her time at Walton, Madelaine says, “The real world networking experience the Walton College has provided me with access to many different companies and business leaders greatly enhanced my skills and experience as a student.”
Preston Starkey
Preston is completing degrees in both management and computer science. He is an Honors College Fellow, was named to the 2021 University of Arkansas Homecoming Court and served as a College of Engineering Peer Mentor. After graduation, Preston will work for Charles Schwab in Austin, Texas as a software engineer.
Stacy Tan
Stacy graduated magna cum laude with an international business degree from the Walton College in 2011 and was an Honor’s College Fellow and studied abroad in India and China as an undergraduate. As a grad student, she is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and will study abroad in Chile this summer, for which she has received the EMBA Global Immersion Scholarship. She has traveled to over a dozen countries in her career thus far, has been named to the Northwest Arkansas Business Journal Fast 15 list, co-founded an event startup called Little Box of Decorations and the 479 Yappies interest group. Stacy leads a retail strategy and product team at SupplyPike, where she will continue after graduation.
Weston Tate
Weston graduated summa cum laude in December and was part of the Walton Honors Program. He received the University of Arkansas Leadership Award Scholarship. Weston is currently working for the Kellogg Company.
Prudhvi Tavva
Prudhvi is competing degrees in accounting, finance and information systems. He was named to the Chancellor’s List every semester, served on the Dean’s Student Collaboration Team and as a supplemental instruction leader for Accounting II. He is a member of Leadership Walton and Beta Gamma Sigma and interned at J.B. Hunt, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Ox. After graduation, Prudhvi will work as an internal audit analyst at JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Brandi Taylor
Brandi earned a graduate entrepreneurial fellowship for her master’s program. As an undergraduate, she served as interim president of National Association of Black Accountants, customer research lead for Enactus, and was named to the Dean’s List. After graduation, Brandi will be relocating to the Bay Area to work at Lockheed Martin Space.
About her best moment at Walton, Brandi says, “Participating in NABA events and having the Diversity and Inclusion Office available to me paid an integral part in my college experience.”
Amy Truitt
Amy is completing degrees in information systems and supply chain management. She received an Honors College Scholarship and is a member of Order of Omega Honor Society. She served as president of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, director of athletics for Associated Student Government, a Walton Honors Peer Mentor and Razorback Foundation Collegiate Board member. Amy will join the Associate Merchant Development Program at Walmart after graduation.
About her time at Walton, Amy says, “The Sam M. Walton College of Business has provided me with friendships that will carry me through the rest of my life, and I am eternally grateful for all of the lessons I have learned in my four years as a U of A student.”
Beth Vandiver
Beth is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and Phi Theta Kappa. After graduation, Beth plans to fold her experiences from the MIS program into her existing role in Information Systems with her current employer, a local Walmart supplier.
Beth says, “Perseverance and curiosity have been my key to success in the MIS program.”
Winston Watkins
Winston has been on the Chancellor’s List and is a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. He is currently working in client management for an advertising company.
About his time at Walton, Winston says, “Studying at the Walton College has given me the practical tools necessary for a successful career.”
Andrew Weaver
Andrew is completing a degree in general business. He is a non-traditional student and has been named to the Chancellor's List every semester since resuming college after a couple of decades away from school. Andrew currently manages a small team at his own business consulting firm, State 25 Consulting Services, where he will continue after graduation.
About his best moment at Walton, Andrew says, “Top moments were learning from faculty that had real-world experience.”
Zach Wilson
Zach is graduating summa cum laude. He was captain and treasurer of the Razorback Hockey Team and received the Forward of the Year Award this season. This summer, Zach will be an audit intern for BDO in St. Louis and will return to the Walton College to pursue a master's degree in accounting in the fall.
Mikaela Witney
Mikaela is completing degrees in management and marketing. She has served as secretary for Student Society of Management Excellence, was part of the Venture Intern Program and works as an administrative assistant at U of A’s Office of Entrepreneurship & Innovation. After graduation, Mikaela plans to work full-time in the field of marketing and/or management.
Morgan Wojciechowski
Morgan is completing a degree in marketing. She is president of Leadership Walton, co-created the mentorship program for Future Women Business Leaders and was recognized as a Senior of Significance by the Arkansas Alumni Association. She has served as a Walton Ambassador and interned with Happy Egg Co., U.S. Bank and Farmer’s Market of the Ozarks. She is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and has been named to the Dean’s and Chancellor’s List. After graduation, Morgan will begin her career as a supply chain analyst with Walmart.
About her time at Walton, Morgan says, “I have loved all the hands-on learning opportunities that Walton provides! I have been able to work with companies on projects, go on store walks with executives, and attend a Shadow Day -- all of which were amazing learning experiences!”
Chenwei Wu
Chenwei has served as a member of the Graduate Dean's Student Advisory Board and Public Relations Officer of the Sports Analytics Club. She is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma honor society, the International Culture Team, and the iFriend program. After graduation, Chenwei will work full-time as an IT professional.
About her time at Walton, Chenwei says, “I inherited the core values of Walton College during my learning journey here: Excellence, Professionalism,. Innovation, and Collegiality. I will keep on striving for being EPIC after graduating from Walton.”
Lisha Yates
Lisha participated in supply chain internships with Bristol Myers Squibb, Tyson Foods, and The Sustainability Consortium. She also served as an instructional design specialist for Walton College Executive Education, assisting with the development of an 8-week procurement course for Walmart International. During her strategic sourcing course at Walton, she led a team of three people to develop a supplier diversity program proposal for Moët Hennessy, a subsidiary of LVMH in Paris. Lisha has accepted a position as a senior manager on Walmart's new intermodal team.
Emery Young
Emery is completing an accounting degree. She has served as an Honors College Ambassador; is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, Beta Alpha Psi and Student Alumni Association and a certified exam proctor; and has been named to the Chancellor’s List. She is a recipient of the Arkansas Governor’s, University of Arkansas License Plate, Megan Bell, Chancellor’s, Margaret F. Schamer, Luther and Edna Estelle, Ethel Harper Phillips, and Accounting Department Scholarships. After completing the IMACC program, Emery will sit for the CPA exam and plans to work for a public accounting firm.
Anna Yowell
Anna was a member of the Razorback Color Guard, serving as section leader her senior year, and played flute in the concert band for three years. She was also involved with Beta Alpha Psi and Beta Gamma Sigma. While completing her master’s degree, she worked as a graduate assistant in the accounting department with Instructor Katie Terrell. Anna has accepted a tax associate position with BKD in Rogers.
Alumni Awards
Lifetime Achievement

Cathy Rogers Gates
Assurance Partner (retired)
Former Office Managing Partner
Ernst & Young LLP
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Entrepreneur of the Year

Lisa Barrentine
Chief Executive Officer and President
First Preston HT
Dallas, Texas
Outstanding Service

Shelley Simpson
Chief Commercial Officer
Executive Vice President of People and Human Resources
J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc.
Lowell, Arkansas