Thomas Schueck: Arkansas Business Hall of Fame

Thomas B. Schueck
Lexicon Inc.
Thomas B. Schueck, a newly graduated civil engineer, moved to Little Rock in the 1960s to work on the Murray Lock and Dam. But it didn’t take him long to form Schueck Steel Products in his converted garage — a company with $800 to its name and one employee, Tom’s wife, Marge.
That company now encompasses five subsidiaries with 2,200 employees and more than $300 million in annual revenue.
Today, Schueck is the chairman of Lexicon Inc. Since starting his company from scratch in 1968, he has built the Little Rock-based company into one of the leading heavy construction companies in the nation.
Schueck grew up in a blue-collar neighborhood on the south side of St. Louis. After high school, he got a job working as a timekeeper for a local construction company, but soon decided to pursue an engineering degree. He started taking night classes; then he quickly made the switch to full-time student — graduating with a civil engineering degree from Washington University in 1965.
He married Marge in 1965, and they moved to Little Rock, where he opened Schueck Steel Products. While serving as a factory representative for various steel products, he learned of his customers’ other needs and decided to expand Schueck Steel.
The operation flourished into five companies under the umbrella of Lexicon Inc. Over the past 30 years, Schueck Steel has played a major role in projects across the country.
Throughout this success, Schueck has made it a priority to give back to others. Each year, his companies share 50 percent of their gross profits with employees.
In addition to his charitable work, he serves as the vice chairman of the Arkansas State Highway Commission and as a board member of the UAMS Foundation Board, The Nature Conservancy and the Arkansas Industrial and Economic Development Foundation.