Walton College Commencement
The Spring 2025 Commencement Ceremony for graduates of the Sam M. Walton College of Business will be held in Bud Walton Arena on Saturday, May 10th in Bud Walton Arena.
Live Streaming Video
Live streaming of commencement ceremonies will be available on the University of Arkansas YouTube channel.
Spring 2025 Walton College Commencement: Information for Students and Guests
Two Commencement Ceremonies for Walton College:
3:30pm Ceremony
- Accounting (undergraduates, Integrated Master of Accounting, Master of Accountancy, Master of Professional Accounting, and PhD)
- Economics (undergraduates, Master of Arts in Economics, Master of Science in Economic Analytics, and PhD)
- Bachelor of Science in International Business
- Finance (undergraduates, Master of Science in Finance, and PhD)
- Information Systems (undergraduates, Master of Information Systems, Master of Applied Business Analytics, and PhD)
- Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Venture Innovation (undergraduates, Master of Science in Product Innovation, and PhD)
6:30pm Ceremony
- General Business (undergraduates)
- Management (undergraduates and PhD)
- Master of Business Administration
- Marketing (undergraduates, Master of Science in Marketing, and PhD)
- Supply Chain Management (undergraduates, Master of Science in Supply Chain Management, and PhD)
Candidates for degrees must wear robes appropriate to their degree without added adornment such as beads or flowers. Approved adornments are specific to academic and leadership recognition and are distributed through the Walton College. For information regarding Regalia pick-up dates and times, visit the Registrar's Student Regalia page.
There is no limit to the number of guests students may invite to commencement.
Arrival Time
The Sam M. Walton College of Business will hold its Spring 2025 commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 10, 2025, with two ceremony times: 3:30 PM and 6:30 PM. Please plan to arrive at Bud Walton Arena well before the start time, and we strongly recommend avoiding bringing backpacks, large bags, or additional items into the arena.
Graduate Check In
1. Before the ceremony, please print off your Grad Pass from the Marching Order email and bring it with you to the ceremony.
2. Graduates should enter through the truck tunnel just off California Boulevard, located on the EAST side of Bud Walton Arena near Adohi Hall.
3. Upon arriving at Bud Walton, enter the truck tunnel and out to the floor seating. Your seat assignment will be listed on your Grad Pass.
4. When you find your seat, you will pick up your Grad Card. DO NOT LOSE YOUR CARD – you will keep this card until you go on stage.
5. Candidates for graduation will proceed to the stage as directed by the Line Coordinators.
6. As your name is called, you will walk across the stage and receive congratulations.
Parents or Guests Entrances
All guests will be required to enter through the south or west entrances of Bud Walton Arena. All other entrances will be blocked for security purposes. We recommend guests plan to arrive early. Find more information for families and guests here.
Conferral of Degrees by Family
The Walton College traditionally invites relatives who are University of Arkansas faculty members, administrators, or members of the Board of Trustees to participate in our Commencement exercises. If you have a family member who is a faculty member, administrator, or member of the Board of Trustees at the University of Arkansas and you would like them to award your diploma, please contact Walton Student Success at engagement@walton.uark.edu.
Dual Majors
Students with a dual major will participate in the commencement ceremony for their primary major, as designated in UAConnect.
A professional photographer will be taking pictures during and after the awarding of diplomas.
On commencement day, there will be limited parking adjacent to Bud Walton Arena designated for persons working at the commencement ceremony. Graduates and guests may park in lots 46, 47N, 47S, 56, and 74 (A, B, C, and E). Find these areas on the Fall Commencement Parking Map.
Persons with Mobility Impairments
Guests with mobility impairment may be DROPPED OFF at the south entrance of Bud Walton Arena with disabled parking available in lot 60. Please review the disabled parking map for more details. We recommend that guests with mobility impairment arrive no later than 2:30 p.m for the 1st ceremony and 5:30pm for the 2nd ceremony. Spaces will be limited due to the fact that the University Commencement will be ending at the time that Walton College guests will be arriving. Ushers will be available inside the arena to assist them in locating the elevator and seating. The handicapped seating will be available on the concourse level of the arena.
Graduates who will require accommodations during the ceremony (i.e. require an interpreter, wheelchair access, etc.) should advise Walton College via e-mail at engagement@walton.uark.edu in advance, so that necessary arrangements can be made. Please contact 479.575.4220. if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions.
More Information
For futher information on University Commencement, visit the Registrar's commencement page.
Bud Walton Arena
Bud Walton Arena (also known as the Basketball Palace of Mid-America) is the home
to the Razorback men's and women's basketball teams. It is located on campus and has
a seating capacity of 19,368.
A professional photographer will be taking pictures during the awarding of diplomas and he will contact you later to arrange for prints. We invite family and friends to feel free to use cameras.
Framed Diplomas
For University of Arkansas graduates:
Framed diplomas and sidewalk rubbings...