Accounting Masters Degrees

walton college

At the Walton College, we connect scholarship with practice and people to organizations. Through excellent curriculum, outstanding placement, and exceptional people, our accounting programs will give you the competitive advantage needed to excel in the accounting profession.


Integrated Master of Accountancy
Bachelors AND Masters Degree

Undergraduate accounting students at the University of Arkansas have the option to obtain both a Bachelors and a Masters of Accountancy in a five-year period, and will meet the academic requirements required to sit for the CPA exam.

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Master of Professional Accounting
Masters Degree

The Master of Professional Accounting program provides rigorous preparation at the graduate level to help students achieve success in their chosen professional accounting career path. The MPA program offers three concentrations for targeted future professional career paths in accounting, including Assurance and Analytics, Taxation, and Corporate Accounting.

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Master of Accountancy
Masters Degree

The Master of Accountancy program provides rigorous preparation at the graduate level for students to achieve success in their chosen career path in academic or professional accounting.

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