Cybersecurity and Data Certificate

Willard J. Walker Hall

Program Outlook

The Cybersecurity and Data track is open to individuals with backgrounds in any discipline and is designed to provide business and non-business graduate students a foundation to help organizations assess and detect threats while securing and protecting data and data-driven systems against a myriad of threats such as malicious software, hacking, insider threats, and other cybercrimes.

Credit hours earned in this program can also be applied to the Master of Information Systems degree program.

Cybersecurity and Data Graduate Certificate Curriculum

Required Courses 9 credit hours

ISYS 50103: Data and Cybersecurity This course provides current business cybersecurity and data issues for graduate students to include securing data, detecting and responding to cyber security breaches, cyber-technologies, current security and cryptographic techniques, and ensuring a secured computing environment to safeguard company information. In addition, students will explore cybersecurity strategies and compliance with security standards, as well as data confidentiality, integrity, ethical use, and availability.
ISYS 50203: Data and System Security This course involves a comprehensive study of data security and network security in today's digital enterprise. Traditional network protocol and security issues are explored as well as security issues such as cloud environments, data protection, IoT ecosystems, ERP systems, and Blockchain deployments.
ISYS 50403: Cybersecurity, Crime, and Data Privacy Law I This graduate level course in examines applicable cybersecurity, crime, and data privacy law to include the Fourth Amendment, Privacy, the Wiretap Act, and other. Limits on law enforcement that might affect private industry developing surveillance tools used by governments are reviewed. Crimes such as hacking, identity theft, economic espionage, online threats, are also discussed.

Choose one course from the following3 credit hours

ISYS 50303: Advanced Data and Cybersecurity Management This course provides graduate students with an in-depth, advanced understanding of information security and data management. Topics include risk assessment, information systems security, continuity planning, data protection, threat detection, threat/risk mitigation, recovery issues/techniques, and current topics.
ISYS 50503: Cybersecurity, Crime and Privacy Law II The course explores best practices for data, privacy, and security protection measures with respect to privacy and security law, as well as mitigation techniques for privacy and security threats. The importance of informational privacy will be highlighted along with a high-level overview of U.S. laws and regulations including FTC roles and government surveillance.
ISYS 51003: Data Analytics Fundamentals Fundamental knowledge and skills in several major areas of business data analytics. Emphasis on the management and use of data in modern organizations, intermediate & advanced spreadsheet topics; relational databases & SQL; and programming (such as Python).
ISYS 51703: Blockchain Fundamentals This course provides the fundamental concepts underpinning blockchain technologies. The focus is on blockchain applications for business. Students will learn about the overall blockchain landscape, including investments, the size of markets, major players and the global reach, as well as the potential business value of blockchain applications and the challenges that must be overcome to achieve that value. Students will learn enough about the underlying technologies to speak intelligently to technology experts and will be well-prepared to develop blockchain applications in future courses.
ISYS 52103: ERP Fundamentals An introduction to enterprise resource planning systems. Students should gain an understanding of the scope of these integrated systems that reach across organizational boundaries and can change how a company does business. Implementation issues are covered, including the importance of change management.

The Professional MIS program, as opposed to the full-time MIS, can be completed in less than 2 years. Students take 6 hours each semester and meet approximately one Saturday every month.


Cybersecurity and Data Graduate Certificate

Cybersecurity and Data Graduate Certificate

Required Hours: 12

Program Start Date: Summer

Application Deadline:
May 1

Curriculum Overview
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Admissions Information
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Required Test: N/A

Program Cost
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