Recommended reads from Walton MBA faculty and alumni for the Walton MBA and the Northwest Arkansas business communities. Updated 4/13/2020.
Recommended Reads:
From China to the US: Best Business Practice Sharing amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Provided by John Aloysius, professor of supply chain management and Oren Harris Chair in Logistics at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
“This is a set of best business practices in the face of a pandemic for firms in the supply chain from the American Chamber of Commerce in China. While some of it may be China-centric, some of the recommendations seem useful when considering supply chain practices in general.”
How the Virus Transformed the Way Americans Spend Their Money
Provided by Dinesh Gauri, professor of marketing and Walmart chair of marketing at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
Fed Could Bolster Groups of Businesses and Localities With Funds in G.O.P Bill
Provided by Raja Kali, professor and chair of the Department of Economics at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
Do Recessions Always Follow Major Stock Market Downturns? Usually
Provided by Raja Kali, professor and chair of the Department of Economics at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
“Since World War II, there have been 12 bear markets and 12 recessions, but not every bear market has preceded a downturn in the economy.”
Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance
Provided by Jon Johnson, professor at the Sam M. Walton College of Business and chair and founder of the board at The Sustainability Consortium.
“Managing through and on the other side of the initial intervention is on a lot of people’s minds. Would love to hear about good resources on the topic. We’re in the process of putting together a webpage to help businesses in Arkansas navigate the near, mid- and long-terms on this. It is all going to depend on how the pandemic plays out, of course, so if nothing else it’s a real-world case study of Bayesian thinking. This resource immediately came to mind.”
A Virtual Market Meltdown IV: Investing for a post-virus Economy
Provided by Tomas Jandik, professor of finance and Dillard’s chair in corporate finance at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
“Aswath Damodaran is probably the most brilliant valuation expert out there AND an incredibly gifted educator. I have always encouraged all my students to pay attention to his blog. Over the last several weeks, he has been posting his thoughts on the market meltdown (under titles ‘Viral Market Meltdown’ 1 through 4). There, he helps the readers (and listeners, because he publishes each of the contributions on YouTube as well) to grasp the reasons for why the market can decline so much and how it can recover. He also explains the differences between ‘value’ and ‘price,’ and even helps you to realize your ‘investor philosophy” (which in turn determines how you should (not) be investing these days). I would wholeheartedly recommend reading/listening to him – to get educated on what to do now and in the future.”
Are You Leading Through the Crisis … or Managing the Response?
Provided by Vikas Anand, executive director of the MBA programs and graduate innovation at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
“An article worth reading to understand leadership in the context of a crisis.”
On the Folly of Rewarding A, While Hoping for B
Provided by Vikas Anand, executive director of the MBA programs and graduate innovation at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
“A classic that is worth re-reading during the current downtime.”
Grocers Stopped Stockpiling Food. Then Came Coronavirus
Provided by Liz Parker, executive adviser at FedEx and 2015 Walton MBA alumna.
“How supply chain management is being upended during this unprecedented event and wanted to share. It will be interesting to see how the supply chain practices shift long term when we get on the other side of this.”
“Best Practices” for reducing the risk of Covid-19 spreading in LOGISTICS
Provided by John Aloysius, professor of supply chain management and Oren Harris Chair in Logistics at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
“A practical guide for what needs to be done to keep the supply chain moving from the ECR (Efficient Consumer Response) non-profit in Europe which is similar to U.S. groups such as RILA (Retail Industry Leaders Association).”
How Exactly is COVID-19 Changing Shopper Behavior
Provided by Dinesh Gauri, professor of marketing and Walmart chair of marketing at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
How is the Coronavirus Changing Consumer Behavior
Provided by Dinesh Gauri, professor of marketing and Walmart chair of marketing at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
COVID-19 Concerns Are A Likely Tipping Point for Local Brand Growth
Provided by Dinesh Gauri, professor of marketing and Walmart chair of marketing at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
Key Consumer Behavior Thresholds Identified as the Coronavirus Outbreak Evolves
Provided by Dinesh Gauri, professor of marketing and Walmart chair of marketing at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
Covid-19 Brandwatch Resource Center
Provided by Dinesh Gauri, professor of marketing and Walmart chair of marketing at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
The Numerator Stockpiling Index to Monitor In-Store Bulk Buying Behavior in response to COVID-19
Provided by Dinesh Gauri, professor of marketing and Walmart chair of marketing at the Sam M. Walton College of Business.