Emily Money, central Arkansas development director for the University of Arkansas, has earned the first Walton College Executive Education Proven Leadership Certificate by completing a series of three courses through Walton College Executive Education.
The leadership certificate program is comprised of three open-enrollment courses offered by executive education: The Power of Leadership, Ethical Leadership, and Strategic Leadership. The courses are designed for mid- to senior-level leaders, managers and directors who are assigned leadership responsibilities in their respective organization. The courses are structured to provide a clear concept of leadership traits for those striving to develop the skills necessary to succeed within their career and organization.
Leadership program participants benefit by learning how to acquire a clear conceptual model of leadership and strategic direction to create an individual leadership development path; differentiate between management authority and leadership influence in order to establish a meaningful and impactful relationship within the organization; understand how leadership materializes in real-world ethical challenges and how to strategically lead the organization to success; and develop a holistic understanding of the components of the leadership development journey.
“I am grateful for the opportunity to have completed this certificate,” Money said. “I found the leadership training courses to be extremely beneficial as I consider my personal leadership path. I came away from the classes with practical ways I can develop myself as a leader. This training will definitely help me approach opportunities and challenges at work from a different perspective as I consider the competencies of a great leader and apply that knowledge to my own decision making process and subsequent actions.”
The courses of the certificate are taught by Mike Hennelly, Ph.D., a leadership expert through personal experiences in military service, the corporate world, and academia. Money, who attended the three courses taught by Hennelly said,” I do think Dr. Hennelly gives great real-world examples of leaders and the qualities they demonstrate. He is a thoughtful instructor who engages the class with interactive group work and discussion that I find very helpful.”
Hennelly has also taught strategic management and leadership courses to MBA students at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, the University of Tulsa and the University of Notre Dame. Today, Hennelly conducts strategy and leadership seminars and consults executives at some of the world’s largest companies.
“Walton College is pleased to have a tremendous leadership expert overseeing the Walton College Leadership Certificate program,” said Debbie Davis, associate director of Walton College Executive Education. “It is exciting to be able to offer an impactful leadership program in Little Rock.”
To learn more about the Walton College Executive Education Proven Leadership Certificate or to register for courses, visit our website at: https://execed.uark.edu/programs/.