Student Spotlight: Manuel Tejada

Manuel Tejada
July 6 , 2023

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STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Manuel Tejada (Walton Executive MBA ’23)

Manuel Tejada is a member of the 2023 Walton Executive MBA cohort and a Project Manager for the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. In his role, Manuel oversees and facilitates the development of Community Health Workers from multiple organizations as a part of a multi-million-dollar program focused on developing the healthcare workforce across the state of Arkansas.

Manuel decided to pursue his MBA to increase his organizational knowledge and become a successful leader. “An MBA provided the opportunity to build my skills and comfort with different strategies that are being implemented in modern organizations,” says Tejada.

Manuel wants to make a positive impact on the future of Arkansas – “there was no better choice than this program,” says Manuel. “The Walton MBA is a highly recognizable and reputable program that has created value for alumni and organizations,” Tejada continues.

The most transformative part of the program for Manuel was the approach to business, leadership and problem solving: “I now feel that I can tackle any problem that arises with agile and responsible decision-making.”

Manuel is driven by his desire to serve and create equitable value for those around him and recommends the author Malcom Gladwell. He looks forward to traveling to Japan alongside his Executive MBA cohort for their global immersion experience this weekend.

We are so proud to have you in the program, Manuel!