Love biking, camping, fishing, climbing or hiking? Earn an Outdoor Products and Services
Micro-Certificate to gain an understanding of the business side of outdoor recreation.
“The new micro-certificate launches students into the outdoor industry to pursue livelihoods
based on their values by equipping them with knowledge about the economics of varying
sectors such as biking, running, hunting, fishing, climbing, watersports, etc., foundational
business skills and experiences needed to be successful,” said Scott Borden, assistant
professor in the Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Venture Innovation at
the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
The program consists of nine credit hours, is open to students from all disciplines
and no prerequisites are required. It includes Introduction to the Outdoor Recreation
Industries (SEVI 2073) and at least two electives. The introductory class, required
for the certificate, highlights the economic, cultural, health, infrastructure, diversity
and ethical aspects of the products and services outdoor industries.
Students will select two electives, totaling six credit hours, that encompass international
and/or American outdoor industries, including Study Aboard-Outdoor Industries in Europe
(WCOB 330V/H), Outdoor Industry Capstone Experience (SEVI 4703), Outdoor Industry
Product Innovation Studio (SEVI 4713) or Internship-Outdoor Industries (WCOB 310V),
which requires approval from the program director.
For students interested in delving into a more detailed aspect of the outdoor recreation
industry, additional classes are available. These classes require the program director’s
consent and/or may have pre-requisites. The classes include Social Entrepreneurship
(SEVI 3673) and New Venture Development (SEVI 3933).
Visit Outdoor Products and Services Micro-Certificate to learn more about class descriptions. Sign up during your regular class registration.