New Faculty Internationalization Grant

To further aid efforts to internationalize the areas of course content and research, GEO offers to support one faculty member, up to $4,000, to join a Walton faculty-led study abroad program.

The ideal candidate:

  • has never been abroad or has had very limited experience abroad
  • demonstrates interest in international topics
  • secures departmental approval
  • ability to participate in country for 3 weeks; 2 weeks minimum


  • assist faculty leader during the trip
  • retain program receipts
  • coordinate promotional items for companies
  • provide itinerary instructions for appropriate dress and logistics
  • schedule student presentations
  • other assistance as needed per the faculty leader

Application Procedure

  • Create a plan articulating in what ways this experience will:
    • enhance the international content of your classes and/or 
    • impact or assist the development of research with an international focus (please be sure to elaborate)
  • Up to $4,000 to be used for a specified program 
  • October 1st 
  • Written report detailing the implementation of the proposed plan for class content and/or research
  • Presentation to Walton faculty and staff at a GEO hosted event on the experience and implementation
  • Both deliverables due within one year of the experience

• Application materials should be submitted by e-mail to the Director of the Global Engagement Office, Dr. Adriana Rossiter Hofer, at, with a copy to Emily Chanmanivong, at