Research and Outreach Initiatives
Walton College places high emphasis on faculty research that creates relevant knowledge for business and industry, opens opportunities for students, and serves the communities of Arkansas and the world.
Our faculty collaborate with business, government, and non-profits to identify and address important economic issues through discovery, integration, application and dissemination of knowledge.
Arkansas Impact Investing Initiative
The goal of the initiative is to infuse private capital markets in Arkansas with impact principles and practices by educating, activating, and connecting students and Impact Investors in Arkansas.
Learn MoreBehavioral Business Research Lab
The BBRL is a world class behavioral business research facility in the Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. Behavioral researchers use the facility to study a wide variety of business and economic topics including strategic behavior, worker-employer relations, information processing, group problem solving, and decision making under uncertainty.
Learn MoreCenter for Business and Economic Research
A public service/outreach organization whose mission is to serve its constituents with unparalleled research support; basic and applied business and economic analysis; timely, relevant business, economic and related public policy information; and other outreach activities.
Learn MoreCustomer Centric Leadership Initiative
The Customer Centric Leadership Initiative promotes thought leadership and ongoing inquiry among scholars, students, business leaders and regulators to address the evolving marketing and customer engagement challenges inherent in an omnichannel, transparent and hyperconnected marketplace through education, research and outreach.
Learn MoreExecutive Education
Our mission is to serve the training needs of profit and not-for-profit organizations in Arkansas and the nation. Training programs designed to enhance managerial and leadership effectiveness are available for all levels of management and transportation/logistics firms.
Learn MoreGarrison Financial Institute
The Garrison Financial Institute is an institute organized to advance financial education and knowledge through practice. Its mission is to enhance student learning through experience, foster research that extends and perfects best practices, and contribute to the economic development of the State of Arkansas and the welfare of its citizens.
Learn MoreMcMillon Innovation Studio
Designed to be the first interactive, open-to-the-public university retail lab, the McMillon Innovation Studio is being created to test new technologies and impact the future of retail.
Learn MoreProfessional Sales Program
The Professional Sales Program enhances solution-oriented selling through experiential learning, industry networking, and comprehensive skill development. Students acquire expertise in discovering client needs, overcoming objections, and delivering tailored solutions to achieve success in sales.
Learn MoreSupply Chain Management Research Center
The SCMRC coordinates supply chain research efforts, including transportation, logistics, management, planning, forecasting, marketing and accounting. The center supports seminars and educational programs relevant to supply chain management. The SCMRC also supports initiatives to promote supply chain management awareness, including student recruitment, retention, internships and placement opportunities.
Learn MoreTyson Center for Faith-Friendly Workplaces
The Tyson Center's mission is to make the workplace of tomorrow more faith-friendly by providing current and future business leaders with relevant learning experiences, knowledge, and opportunities for leadership and connection.
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