Meet Your Tutors: Business Communication Lab

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Communication Tutors 



Angela is from Bogota, Colombia, and is a doctoral student in the Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies program. She has taught semiotics, gender studies, and literature for the past 15 years and is also a Spanish instructor. In addition, she is interested in agency and representation in Latin American films. Her Colombian dog is Lucio Proletariat, and her American dog is Maximiliano I, Prince of The Ozarks.


Brooke is a junior from Carbondale, Illinois. She is currently pursuing a major in accounting and a minor in Mathematics. Brooke hopes to one day use her skills working for a nonprofit, specifically assisting those with intellectual disabilities. In her spare time, she loves to read, hang out with friends, and get slightly too competitive while playing board games and sports.


Cole is from Kouts, IN. Currently pursuing an MFA in the fiction track, this philomath worked as a writing consultant, a construction worker, a hazardous materials handler, and a farmer before moving to Arkansas. In his free time, he writes short stories about industrial agriculture and small towns, hikes with his dog, and watches too many movies.


Colleen (she/her) is a translator from a lot of places, but mostly from around here. She translates from Spanish into English and is a student in the MFA of Creative Writing and Translation. She has taught Composition I & II and Creative Writing I & II. In her spare time, she loves crocheting, hiking, and looking for cheap flights. 


Jared is from Whittier, California. They are a fiction writer at the MFA Program in creative writing and translation here at the University of Arkansas. Jared has a master’s degree in Ibsen Studies from the University of Oslo. Their master’s thesis was on disability representation in Henrik Ibsen’s plays. Jared writes experimental fiction that muses on despair, hope, and uncertainty. Their work often also includes various monsters, vampires, ghosts, doppelgängers, demons, and space whales. In their spare time Jared reads Irish literature, philosophy, and thinks about how much they miss the ocean.


Joaquín is originally from La Paz, Bolivia. He is an MFA candidate in creative writing and translation— his focus being literary translation. He specializes in contemporary Bolivian literature. Even though he misses living in the Andes, the hills in Northwest Arkansas have served as a welcoming home for the past six years. In his spare time, Joaquín enjoys playing video games, watching tv, and playing with his cats, Nina and Lilo.


Melanie is a sophomore from Fordyce, Arkansas. She is pursuing a bachelor's degree in business with a Spanish minor. In her spare time, she enjoys going for runs, working out, and spending time with her friends and families.


Nicole is a junior from Olathe, Kansas. She is majoring in Supply Chain Management and Marketing, with minors in Business Analytics and Music. On campus, Nicole is involved with the Associated Student Government and plays cello in the University Symphony Orchestra. In her spare time, she likes to explore new coffee shops, spend time with her loved ones, and go on nature walks. 


Schuyler  is from Pea Ridge, Arkansas. They are an MFA student studying poetry at the University of Arkansas. A jack of all trades kind of guy, Schuyler has worked in several writing-heavy positions, including proofreader, bookseller, librarian, and now, composition instructor. In their free time, they are a creator in several arts, a dedicated poet, and an avid reader.