Honors Program: Frequently Asked Questions

How many honors hours do I have to take in a semester?

  • Students typically take at least 6 hours of honors courses each semester, but there is no limit on how many honors courses a student can take in a semester. All students who start the honors program in their freshmen year should have completed a minimum of 12 honors hours at the end of their first year in the program.

What is the difference between the Walton Scholars and Departmental Honors Programs?

  • Students who are accepted to the Walton Honors Program as incoming freshmen are expected to complete the Walton Scholars requirements. The Departmental Honors program is for students who did not meet one or both of the initial admission requirements but are accepted into the Walton Honors Program through the application process as sophomores or for incoming transfer students. The Departmental Honors program requires a few less honors hours in the first two years, but mirrors the Walton Scholars requirements in the junior and senior year.

Do I have to write a thesis to graduate with honors?

  • Yes, all students must complete and honors thesis under the supervision of a faculty member as well as all other honors requirements to graduate with honors. For more information about the thesis process, please see our Thesis page.

What happens if I fall below the required GPA to maintain my honors status?

  • Students who have a cumulative GPA below 3.75 will be placed on probation for the following semester. During this probationary period, they will retain the benefits of the Honors Program and have a chance to raise their cumulative UA GPA back over a 3.75. Students who fail to reach the 3.75 GPA after their semester of probation will be removed from the honors program.

Are non-honors students allowed to take honors courses?

  • No, students must be in good standing with the Honors Program in order to enroll and remain in honors classes. Students who register for honors classes for an upcoming semester while on probation and fail to get back in good standing with the Honors Program will be removed from all honors courses they are enrolled in.

Who is my academic advisor as a student in the Walton Honors Program?

  • Jason Adams, Director for Honors Programs; Cadi Stair, Assistant Director for Honors Programs; and Breanna De Leeuw, Honors Academic Advisor, advise all honors students from orientation to graduation. All honors students should meet with Jason, Cadi, or Breanna a minimum of once per semester to make sure they are on track to complete all honors requirements. Students can make an appointment with Jason, Cadi, or Breanna here.

When does thesis research begin?

  • Students in the Walton Honors Program should start thinking about their thesis project no later than the summer between their sophomore and junior year. Honors students are required to submit their thesis topic and advisor by the end of the spring semester in their junior year.

How do I join the Walton Honors Program?

  • Incoming freshmen who meet the admission requirements (28/1240 ACT/SAT and 3.85 high school GPA) and are interested in participating in the Walton College Honors Program should apply prior to summer orientation through their New Student Center. More information can be found on our Admissions Requirements page.
  • Current Walton College students who would like to be considered for the Honors Program and have a 3.75 U o fA GPA can apply in the spring of their freshmen year. The current student application can be found here.