Autumn Parker, associate director for undergraduate recruitment, and Barbara Lofton, director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, have announced the 27 members of the 2014-2015 Dean’s Student Advisory Board for Walton.
“These students represent the interests of all undergraduate students in the Walton College and will be working together and alongside the dean to further student initiatives and to help make the Walton College an even better place to study,” Parker and Lofton, the board sponsors, said in a statement announcing the members. “We are pleased to have students representing all departments and classifications.”
Members of the 2014-2015 Dean’s Student Advisory Board and their majors are:
Byron Alley/Undeclared
Johnny Carver/Management
Grayson Greer/Finance and Accounting
Marcus Hatley II/Management
Jase Rapert/Undeclared
Thea Winston/Accounting
Ebone Allen/Accounting
Connor Loupe/Information Systems
Mackenzie Owens/International Business
Macy Roe/Marketing
Makenzie Smith/Finance and Economics
Jessica Webster/Accounting
Jacob Wofford/Marketing and Finance
Flavia Araujo/Management
Cordarius Enright/International Business-Supply Chain Management
Brianna Maldonado/Management
Raul Najera-Bahena/International Business-Economics
Eleanor Newman/Accounting and Marketing
Lindsay Stewart/Supply Chain Management
Liz Tanner/Marketing and Management
Shervon Thomas/Information Systems
Brooke Atwell/International Business-Marketing
Rachael Booyer/Supply Chain Management
Omar Meson/Finance and Economics
Nikki (Susan) Munro/Marketing
Jordan Sooter/Accounting and Finance
Ryan Taylor/International Economics