Current and former accounting faculty, graduate students and doctoral alumni of the Sam M. Walton College of Business come together each summer to collaborate and support each other on groundbreaking research in the field.
The college’s annual University of Arkansas Accounting Research Conference was held for the fourth time at the end of July.
“The purpose of the conference is to further expose our current doctoral students to developing research, provide continued support to the research success of our Ph.D. graduates at their respective institutions, promote continued collaborations and relationships for future projects and further the impact of our doctoral program,” said Gary Peters, chair of the accounting department and holder of the G. William Glezen Endowed Chair in Accounting.
Sessions at the two-day conference addressed a number of financial accounting and
governance topics such as “Target Prices and Earnings Announcements” and “CFO Outside
Directorships: What Happens to the Financial Reporting Quality of the Home Firm?”
Peters said Cory Cassell, associate professor and holder of the Ralph McQueen Distinguished Chair of Accounting, was instrumental in organizing this year’s event. The conference is supported by the college through investment in summer research support and endowed chair support.
“We hope that this conference will continue to grow and that this will also strengthen our ability to attract future doctoral students and faculty members,” Peters said. “We are already planning the fifth installment for next summer.”