Adriana Hofer Named Director of Walton College Global Engagement Office

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January 21 , 2016

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Matt Waller, Walton College interim dean, said the appointment was effective Jan. 1, 2016.

“As director of global engagement, she will provide leadership for the Walton College in preparing our students for a richer education in global business,” Waller said. “She will be involved in enhancing curriculum development, generating opportunities for faculty development and increasing student study abroad opportunities.”

Hofer is an assistant professor of supply chain management at the Walton College and leads a study abroad trip to Brazil every other year.

“It is an honor to serve as the director of the Global Engagement Office and to work with students, faculty and staff towards enhancing the global footprint of our teaching and research here at the Walton College and abroad,” Hofer said. “This goal is close to my heart because I am here today thanks to the opportunities that were presented to me in a study abroad program for young professionals many years ago.”

Read the complete article at Arkansas Newswire