EPIC Spotlight: Stefan Trim

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March 30 , 2014

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When Stefan Trim came to the University of Arkansas from Trinidad and Tobago, it was his first time to leave the Caribbean region. Stefan, who is majoring in organizational leadership management, with minors in economics, marketing and geology, explained that moving to a new place was difficult at first, but the excellent education he has received at the Walton College of Business has been worth the effort.

Stefan decided to study business because he likes the challenge and creativity of the field. “It’s exciting to set goals and meet the challenges that come with them,” he explained. “Through those challenges, you learn so much.”

“To whom much is given, much is required,” is Stefan’s credo, and at the University of Arkansas, he’s found plenty of opportunities to put these words into action. He is a student ambassador and has served as the vice president for membership in Alpha Kappa Psi, a professional business fraternity. Stefan has also participated in the Leadership Walton program and benefited from mentoring through the Center for Retailing Excellence. As a resident assistant, he received an award at an RA conference, and helped plan events for the Diversity Leadership Institute. He has also served as president of the Caribbean Students organization, worked as a staff photographer for the student newspaper, and hosted a music show on the student radio station.

As an international student, Stefan appreciates the opportunity he’s had to experience other cultures, and he was able to experience even more through a study abroad program in Brazil. Over three weeks in the summer, he traveled with a group of students to Rio De Janeiro and Perambucu, visiting corporate sites such as the Wal-Mart distribution center and a large steel manufacturing plant. One of Stefan’s favorite memories from Brazil was the view from the top of Sugarloaf Mountain. “It was stunning,” he said.

After graduating, Stefan plans to work for a few years before pursuing a master’s degree. He’s keeping an open mind about his job plans, but he would like to travel, and he hopes to be in a position to motivate others and encourage innovation and creativity. Stefan is excited about his future, and for this he credits the efforts of faculty and staff. “It’s the extra mile that the professors go to give students the tools they need for the working world,” he explained. “The things I’ve been involved in have greatly enhanced my professionalism and helped me realize how great my potential can be.”