Rachel Hobby is the new assistant director of M.B.A. programs in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas.
Prior to joining the Walton College, Hobby gained experience in both development and ticketing services at Walton Arts Center. For the past two years there, she focused on donor and sponsor engagement, project management, data analysis and revenue reporting. She was also a member of the team tasked with implementing a new membership program at the Walmart AMP concert venue and was the primary contact for University of Arkansas faculty for a project with undergraduate business analytics students.
Hobby formerly worked at the university as test center manager in the Center for Educational Access, where she was responsible for administering exams and providing accommodations to students registered with the center. She served as manager during the center’s first semester of operation, and throughout her employment oversaw a 700 percent increase in exams administered. While working at the center, she completed the Walton College Executive M.B.A. program.
Before moving to Northwest Arkansas, Hobby earned a bachelor of arts in journalism and public relations from Arkansas Tech University, while serving as the manager of the university’s radio station, KXRJ 91.9.
She has served on the Board of Producers at Arkansas Public Theatre (formerly Rogers Little Theater) since 2014.