She is well aware that “a college degree is no longer all it takes to be competitive in today’s markets” and recognizes the significance of a master’s degree to take her place among business leaders. As a native Arkansan, Lauren knows the impact of the Sam M. Walton College of Business in state, national, and international levels and believes this opportunity is a vital step for her future success. She is excited to learn new perspectives on business and problem-solving from a diverse group of faculty whose teaching skills she has already witnessed. The dynamic market of Northwest Arkansas is another reason she chose the Walton MBA. Leveraging the Graduate School of Business’ relationships in area corporate offices, Lauren is gaining practical work experience and establishing a strong business network.
Lauren says she finds her motivation on a daily basis through her relationship with the Lord. She feels she has received many blessings during her time in Fayetteville and strives to glorify Him through all those experiences by sharing the joy of the Lord with others.