Karen V. Pincus, a Walton College professor of accounting and the Doyle Z. and Maynette Derr Williams Chair in Professional Accounting, will receive one of only two Outstanding Accounting Educator Awards given by the American Accounting Association in 2017.
Pincus, a former president of the association, will receive the honor along with Mary E. Barth, the Joan E. Horngren Professor of Accounting at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.
“This award testifies to Karen’s role in the academy, the accounting department’s collective stature among accounting programs and the important role of endowed chairs in furthering the university’s mission,” said Gary F. Peters, chair of the Walton College Department of Accounting.
The award is sponsored by the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation. Each of those honored receives a unique glass art piece, a citation and a $2,500 prize. An additional $2,500 donation is given to the association on behalf of each recipient. The awards will be presented Aug. 8, 2017, at the American Accounting Association annual meeting in San Diego, California.
In 2006 and 2013, Accounting Today included Pincus on its list of the Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting.
Pincus chaired the Walton College’s accounting and business law faculty from 1995-2007. Her research and teaching areas emphasize audit judgment, fraud detection and accounting education. She has served on the editorial boards of Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Behavioral Research in Accounting, and Issues in Accounting Education. She is known for her work in curriculum development and international accounting education.
She served as the U.S. member of the International Accounting Education Standards Board from 2006-2011 and as deputy chair of the board in 2010 and 2011. Pincus has spoken widely on international accounting education including presentations in France, China, El Salvador, Mexico, South Africa, Australia and at the U. N. Conference on Trade and Development in November 2008 and in March 2011 in Geneva.
Pincus served as American Accounting Association president in 2012-2013 and as a member of the AICPA Board of Directors from 2008-2011. She currently serves as a member of the Board of the Walton Arts Center Foundation.
The general criteria for the Outstanding Accounting Educator Award are based on contributions to accounting education from scholarly endeavors in teaching and research over a sustained period of time.
More information about the award is available at http://aaahq.org/About/Directories/2016-2017-AAA-Committees-Task-Forces/Award-Committees/Outstanding-Accounting-Educator-Award-Committee/Award-Criteria.