Lauren Simon, an associate professor in the Department of Management at the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas, and her co-authors were finalists for the 2020 Scholarly Impact Award by the Journal of Management for their paper Navigating uncharted waters: Newcomer socialization through the lens of stress theory.
The Journal of Management — a top journal in the field — considered candidates for the award who published articles five years ago which had the greatest impact on the field. The journal evaluated how the article changed the field’s way of thinking, added to its knowledge base and influenced ongoing work in the field.

“My coauthors and I feel honored to have been one of a few final nominees given the tough competition and prestige of this journal,” Simon said.
Simon and co-authors A.M. Ellis of California Polytechnic State University; T.N. Bauer of Portland State University; L.R. Mansfield, currently at CPS HR Consulting who was at Portland State University when paper was published; B. Erdogan of Portland State University and D.M. Truxillo of University of Limerick in Ireland published the paper in 2015.
Their research focused on the integration between stress and socialization for new employees and ways in which organizational and employee-driven inputs can assist in building and acquiring important resources to cope with demands of a new work role.
“Given that a substantial aspect of new employee adjustment involves dealing with stress and uncertainty — and we’re all dealing with a lot of uncertainty right now — the insights from this research seem especially relevant in the current environment,” Simon said.
The winner of the award was R. E. Sturm and J. Antonakis who published Interpersonal power: A review, critique, and research agenda in the Journal of Management in 2015.