Thea Winston, a freshman from Forrest City, has been selected as the 2014 Boyer Fellow in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas, the latest student to be aided by the fellowship that was established in 1999.
To become a Boyer Fellow, a student must score 32 or higher on the ACT, demonstrate financial need and show the potential to be a leader. The gift commitment provides the student with $50,000 for four years of study, which includes tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, travel and special equipment.
“The Boyer Fellowship will help me at the Walton College by first taking the financial stress out of attending college and secondly, being that extra push towards being successful,” Winston said. “I hope the Boyer Fellowship will help me accomplish excellence.”
She plans to major in accounting and possibly pursue a double major in accounting and finance.
Read the complete story at Arkansas Newswire.