Three Walton College students have been elected as Associated Student Government officials for the 2015-16 academic year. Elections were conducted March 9-12 and have been certified by the ASG Judiciary.
Tanner Bone of Jefferson City, Missouri, was elected president of Associated Student Government. Bone is a junior majoring in international business.
Meera Patel of El Dorado was elected secretary. Patel is a junior majoring in accounting with a minor in information systems.
Raymond Todd of Rockwall, Texas, was elected treasurer by the ASG Senate. Todd is a junior majoring in finance.
Elected ASG Graduate Student Congress for Walton were Rustem Galiullin and Sarah Holtzen.
Cole Anthony, Katie Balok, Jack Casey, Mackenzie Lantefield, Mason Lester, Drew Maney, Rachel O’Neal, Scott Sims and Will Watkins were elected senators for Walton College.