Walton College and TheatreSquared Host Change Management Lecture

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November 11 , 2019

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As executive director, Miller assisted TheatreSquared, Northwest Arkansas’s regional theater company, in building a $160,000 annual budget to more than $4 million, growing from two full-time employees to more than 30 and expanding its audience from 3,000 to 60,000 over the past decade. In August, the company moved into a new 50,000 square-foot home in downtown Fayetteville, adjacent to the Walton Arts Center.

Walton College Executive Education instructor Chris Case and  Miller will discuss Miller’s experiences working with a team of artists and community members to expand the organization. Case will deconstruct  how to use proactive and creative practices to create positive change management within any organization.

The program will be from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Walker Rehearsal Room at TheatreSquared, located at 477 W. Spring Street in Fayetteville. Pre-registration is required. Registration costs $75 and includes appetizers, beverages and parking. Register now.

For more information about this and other offerings, contact Walton College Executive Education at ExecEd@walton.uark.edu or visit https://execed.uark.edu/programs/.