
Faculty Expertise

Research. Education. Impact.

At the Sam M. Walton College of Business, we foster a culture of excellence and collaboration for both students and faculty. Research, education and impact are our mission's guiding pillars, with faculty spearheading innovative research and outstanding education. We inspire students to make a positive impact on society and the business industry, continuing our legacy of excellence for future generations.

A professor teaches a class in the Walton College of Business


Number of Endowed Faculty Chairs


Ranked Fifth for Information Systems Research


2022 Walton Faculty Citations


Faculty Research

Research is vital to Walton College's mission, with faculty conducting pioneering studies that address real-world challenges and advance business knowledge.

The college is committed to providing ample research support throughout faculty careers, ensuring access to resources needed for impactful research, including unique databases and data sets.


A Culture of Community

Our esteemed faculty of over 265 business experts offer unique learning experiences, preparing students for success in the ever-changing business world.

Faculty serve as mentors, guiding students to reach their full potential through engaging coursework, experiential learning, and real-world applications. Education at the Walton College transcends knowledge acquisition; it's about applying concepts to create impact and positive change.

Endowed Chairs, Professorships and Lectureships

We are committed to supporting our faculty's passion for research and growth through generous funding opportunities. Endowed chairs, professorships and lectureships play a crucial role in providing the much-needed support to help our faculty excel. These prestigious positions not only recognize exceptional talent but also offer funding to boost their research endeavors. Approximately 40% of our faculty hold these esteemed positions, setting Walton College apart in the world of public business schools.

View Endowed Chairs, Professorships and Lectureships

Professor teaches an information systems course.

I'm constantly amazed at the level of faculty research and teaching talent that we're able to attract. The business region of northwest Arkansas, in addition to the mountain of support we recieve from industry partners, really has an impact. And our students benefit directly from this.

Brent Williams photo

Walton Faculty Insights

Walton Insights shares our faculty's innovative research while also offering perspectives on various business trends, problems, technologies, and more. These informative and engaging articles provide readers with a fresh look at the world of business. Learn more from our faculty who are innovators, seasoned business experts, and influential voices in academia and industry on a global scale.  

Human Skills, NOT Soft Skills

Quit calling them "soft skills" already! Soft skills - communication, collaboration, resourcefulness, resliience - are highly social, "human" skills.

09/03/2024 | By Stacey Mason

Walton Insights: View More Research

Faculty News and Highlights

Amber Young: Finding the Humanity in Information Systems

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to blur the lines between what’s human and what’s a machine, Young stresses the importance of maintaining a clear distinction between people and objects. "I am concerned about what we might lose if we fail to distinguish between humans and objects," she notes.

07/22/2024 | By Meghan Perry

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