Grammar & Mechanics Resources

Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-Verb Agreement

Subjects and verbs must always agree – when they don’t, your sentences can confuse readers

Semicolons and Colons

Semicolons and Colons

Following these guidelines might make you one of the few people you know who use semicolons and colons correctly…

Sentence Fragments

Sentence Fragments

Sentence fragments can annoy and frustrate your reader; revise according to these guidelines to make sure you avoid them.

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Fundamentals of English Grammar

Improving your ability to write concise, clear writing sometimes requires you to return to the fundamentals.



Commas do important work – proper comma use will help you clarify your meaning and help readers pace themselves correctly as they read.



Using articles correctly can be tricky, but using this flowchart will help!



Follow these guidelines to make sure you use apostrophes correctly.

Active Passive Voice

Active and Passive Voice

Knowing when to use active or passive voice will help you meet your audience’s expectations and needs