Research & Citation Resources

Using ChatGPT Effectively and Ethically

Using ChatGPT Effectively and Ethically

Chat GPT is an AI-powered bot that can generate text based on prompts from a user. Like all tools, it is only as good as its user.

Thesis Statement

Thesis Statements

Make sure your thesis statement does its job by following these guidelines.

apa in-tect citations

APA In-Text Citation Style

APA style doesn’t have to be tricky – just follow these simple steps!

purpose statements

Purpose Statements

Use an effective purpose statement and make sure your document gets read by the right person

Embedding Quotations

Embedding Quotations

Effectively integrating your sources into your argument increases your credibility…

finding reliable sources

Finding Reliable Sources

Make sure your sources help your argument instead of hurting it by following these simple steps…

works cited and bibliography

Works Cited and Bibliography

Do you find keeping up with the changes from style manuals difficult? Have you ever wondered how much difference exists between APA 5th and 6th editions or MLA 7th and 8th editions? 

how and why to use citations

How and Why to Use Citations

Citing correctly lends credibility to your ideas and helps you avoid plagiarism.

mla in-text citation logo

MLA In-Text Citation Style

Do you have questions about citing in MLA style? Chances are this resource answers those questions

copyright logo


Plagiarism and copyright infringement are two different things; click here to learn more about copyrights and trademarks

academic dishonesty

Academic Dishonesty

Take the extra step to make sure you avoid breaking university policies by reading through these guidelines

effective study habits

Effective Study Habits

Effective study habits can be difficult to form, especially if you are just starting college. There is so much advice out there that it can be difficult to determine what works and what doesn’t.