Research: Department of Economics
Amy Farmer, Paul Pecorino, Paul pecorino, (2018). Costly Voluntary Disclosure with
Negative Expected Value Suits , 19 (2) : 486-503
Difei Geng, Kamal Saggi, , (2018). The US-Asia Economic Relationship: Policy Implications
of Recent Trends in Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Patenting , Conference by Center for Asia Pacific Policy, Rand Corporation on Pivot to Asia? U.S.
Policy in Asia Under the Trump Administration
Raja Kali, Ari Van-Assche, Ekaterina Turkina, (in press). Regional Innovation Clusters
and Firm Innovation Performance ,
Amy Farmer, Andrew Samuel, Fabio Mendez, (in press). A Note on Licenses in the Presence
of Corruption , Review of Law and Economics
Raja Kali, Ari Van-Assche, Ekaterina Turkina, (2018). Local and Trans-local linkages
in the aerospace industry: an emerging small world? , Vernon Press
Raja Kali, Yuan Gao, Zhen Zhu, Massimo Riccaboni, (2018). Community evolution in patent
networks: technological change and network dynamics ,
Andrea Civelli, Cary Deck, (2018). A Flexible and Customizable Method for Assessing
Cognitive Abilities , Review of Behavioral Economics 5 (2) : 123-147
Christian Hofer, Fabio Mendez, Raja Kali, (2018). Socio-Economic Mobility and Air
Passenger Demand in the U.S , Elsevier 112 : 85-94
Andres Cuadros Menaca, Arya Gaduh, (in press). Remittances, Child Labor, and Schooling:
Evidence from Colombia ,
David Allen, William Curington, (2018). Managerial Time Constraints and Young Worker
Productivity: Natural Experiments with NFL Rookies , Managerial and Decision Economics Vol. 39 (March 2018) : p. 180-199
Jorge Barraza, Andrea Civelli, Nicola Zaniboni, (in press). Business Loans and the
Transmission of Monetary Policy ,
Andy Brownback, (2018). A Classroom Experiment on Effort Allocation under Relative
Grading , Economics of Education Review
Raja Kali, Amy Farmer, (2018). Friendship not Altruism: An Economic Theory with Cross-Cultural
Examples , Review of Social Economy
Raja Kali, David Pastoriza, Jean-Francois LaPlante, (2018). The Burden of Glory: Non-Monetary
Incentives in Rank-Order Tournaments ,
Ernan Haruvy, Sherry Li, Kevin McCabe, Peter Twieg, (2017). Communication and Visibility
in Voluntary Public Goods Contribution , 105 : 276-296
Natalia Candelo, Croson, Rachel T. A., Sherry Li, (2017). Identity and social exclusion:
an experiment with Hispanic immigrants in the US , 20 (2) : 460-480
Sherry Li, Angela de Oliveira, Catherine Eckel, (2017). Common Identity and Provision
of Public Goods: An Experimental Investigation , 142 : 32-46
Sotiris Georganas, Dan Levin, Peter McGee, (2017). Optimistic Irrationality and Overbidding
in Private Value Auctions ,
Difei Geng, Kamal Saggi, (2017). International Effects of National Regulations: External
Reference Pricing and Price Controls , 109 : 68-84
Mohammad Arzaghi, Andrew Balthrop, (in press). No Taxation, No Representation: An
Investigation between Natural Resources and Decentralization , 36 (7) : 1234-1255
Robert Maranto, Julie Trivitt, Malachi Nichols, Angela Watson, (2017). No Contractual
Obligation to Improve Education: School Boards and Their Superintendents , Politics & Policy 45 (6) : 1003-1023
Mervin Jebaraj, William Curington, (2017). Survey of the Labor Market for New Ph.D.
Hires in Economics 2018-2019 , Center For Business and Economic Research website
James Andreoni, Andy Brownback, (2017). Grading on the Curve and Other Applications
of All-Pay Auctions ,
Li Hao, Daniel Houser, (2017). Perceptions, Intentions, and Cheating , 133 : 52-73
Andrea Civelli, Andrew Horowitz, Arilton Teixeira, (2016). Is Foreign Aid Motivated
by Altruism or Self-Interest? A Theoretical Model and Empirical Test , The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 15 (4)
Cary Deck, (in press). Arousal and Economic Decision Making ,
Cary Deck, (in press). Experimenting with Contests for Experimentation ,
Cary Deck, Klajdi Bregu, Lindsay Ham, (in press). The Effect of Alcohol Use on Economic
Decision Making ,
Cary Deck, (in press). An Experimental Investigation of Simultaneous Multi-battle
Contests with Strategic Complementarities ,
David Swanson, Brent Williams, Jingping Gu, Matthew Waller, (2016). Full Steam Ahead:
Firms in the U.S. Economy Adjust Inventory Changes for Changes in Transportation But
Not the Reverse , 55 (3) : 282-295
Javier Reyes, Gary Ferrier, Zhen "James" Zhu, (2016). Technology Diffusion on the
International Trade Network , Journal of Public Economic Theory 18
Raja Kali, Ari Van Assche, Ekaterina Turkina, (2016). Structure and Evolution of Global
Cluster Networks: Evidence from the Aerospace Industry , Journal of Economic Geography 16 (6) : 1211-1234
Li Hao, Daniel Houser, Lei Mao, Marie Claire Villeval, (2016). Preferences of Migrants:
A Field Experiment in China , 131 : 126-140
John Aloysius, Cary Deck, Li Hao, Ryan French, (2016). An Experimental Investigation
of Procurement Auctions with Asymmetric Sellers , 25 (10) : 1763-1777
Raja Kali, Amy Farmer, (2016). Collegiality in Organizations: An Economic Approach
to Organizational Citizenship Behavior , Economics and Sociology 9 (2) : 11-25
Samuel Bazzi, Arya Gaduh, Alexander Rothenberg, Maisy Wong, (2016). Skill Transferability,
Migration, and Development: Evidence from Population Resettlement in Indonesia , 106 (9) : 2658–2698
Abel Embaye, Mussie Tessema, WEI-CHOUN YU, (2016). Tax Evasion and Currency Ratio:
Panel Evidence from Developing Countries , Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business Research
Andrew McGee, Peter McGee, (2016). Search, Effort, and Locus of Control ,
Collin Hitt, Julie Trivitt, Albert Cheng, (2016). When you Say Nothing at All: The
Predictive Power of Student Effort on Surveys , Economics of Education Review
Alexander Rothenberg, Arya Gaduh, Nicholas Burger, Charina Chazali, Rini Radikun,
Cole Sutera, Indrasasri Tjandraningsih, Sarah Weilant, (2016). Rethinking Indonesia's
Informal Sector , 80 : 96-113
John Kagel, Peter McGee, (2016). Team Versus Individual Play in Finitely Repeated
Prisoner Dilemma Games , American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 8 (2) : 253-276
Katherine Deck, William Curington, Mervin Jebaraj, (2016). Survey of the Labor Market
for PhD's in Economics , CBER website
Mervin Jebaraj, Katherine Deck, William Curington, (2016). Survey of the Labor Market
for New Hires in Economics: 2015-2016 , Center for Business and Economics Research
Sherry Li, Catherine Eckel, Philip Grossman, Tara Brown, (2015). Directed giving enhances
voluntary giving to government , 133 : 51-54
Farzana Afridi, Sherry Li, Yufei Ren, (2015). Social identity and inequality: The
impact of China's hukou system , 123 : 17-29
Jingping Gu, Qi Li, Jui-Chung Yang, (2015). Multivariate Local Polynomial Kernel Estimators:
Leading Bias and Asymptotic Distribution , Econometric Reviews 34 (6-10) : 979-1010
Difei Geng, Kamal Saggi, (2015). The Nature of Innovative Activity and the Protection
of Intellectual Property in Asia , Asian Economic Policy Review 10 (1) : 71-91
Cary Deck, Li Hao, David Porter, (2015). Do Prediction Markets Aid Defenders in a
Weak-Link Contest , 117 : 248-258
Cary Deck, (in press). An Experimental Investigation of Time Discounting in Strategic
Settings , Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Cary Deck, (in press). Single- and Double-Elimination All-Pay Tournaments ,
Cary Deck, (in press). The Effect of Cognitive Load on Economic Decision Making: A
Survey and New Experiments ,
Difei Geng, Kamal Saggi, (2015). Is There a Case for Non-Discrimination in the International
Protection of Intellectual Property? , 97 (1) : 14-28
Fazlul Miah, Muhammad Rahman, Khaled Albinali, T. Segot, (2015). Rationality of survey
based inflation expectations: A study of 18 emerging economies’ inflation forecasts
, Research in International Business and Finance 36 : 158-166
Alexander Rothenberg, Arya Gaduh, Nicholas Burger, Charina Chazali, Rini Radikun,
Cole Sutera, Indrasasri Tjandraningsih, Sarah Weilant, (2015). Rethinking Indonesia's
Informal Sector , RAND Corp. (WR-1102) : 45 pages
Anna Egalite, Daniel Bowen, Julie Trivitt, (2015). Do teacher-coaches make the cut?
The effectiveness of athletic coaches as math and reading teachers , Education Policy Analysis Archives 23 (81)
Javier Reyes, Cary Deck, Jungmin Lee, (2015). Are Subjects Making Financial Decisions
in Lab Auctions or Are They Just Gambling? ,
Li Hao, Daniel Houser, (2015). Adaptive Procedures for Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Tests:
Seven Decades of Advances , Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 44 (9) : 1939-1957
Andrea Civelli, Francesco Bianchi, (2015). Globalization and Inflation: Evidence from
a Time Varying VAR , 18 (2) : 406-433
Alexander Rothenberg, Arya Gaduh, Rini Radikun, Nicholas Burger, Charina Chazali,
Sarah Weilant, Indrasasri Tjandraningsih, (2015). Reforming Policies for Small and
Medium-Sized Enterprises in Indonesia , Rand Corp./TNP2K : 136 pages
Amy Farmer, Andrew Horowitz, (2015). Same-Sex Relationship Escalation with Uncertain
Marriage Legality: , 81 (4) : 995-1011
Andrew McGee, Peter McGee, Jessica Pan, (2015). Performance Pay, Competitiveness,
and the Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from the United States” , Economics Letters
James Shuls, Julie Trivitt, (2015). Teacher Qualifications and Productivity in Secondary
Schools , Journal of School Choice 9 (1) : 49-70
Amy Farmer, Andrew Horowitz, (2015). Strategic Non Marital Cohabitation: Theory and
Empirical Implications , 28 (1) : 219-237
Abel Embaye, (2014). Effect of employee background on perceived organizational justice:
managerial implications , International Review of Administrative Sciences 80 (1)
Amy Farmer, Paul pecorino, (2014). Litigation With Default Judgments , Review of Law and Economics 10 (2) : 117-136
Gary Ferrier, (2014). Improving the "usefulness" of stochastic frontier analysis for
health care , Economics and Business Letters 3 (1) : 27-34
Paul Bauer, Gary Ferrier, (2014). Memoriam to Professor Ralph William "Bill" Pfouts
, Atlantic Economic Journal 42 (4) : 347-348
Cary Deck, (in press). Effort and Performance: What Distinguishes Interacting and
Non-Interacting Groups from Individuals ,
Cary Deck, Erik Kimbrough, Steeve Mongrain, (2014). Paying for Express Checkout: Competition
and Price Discrimination in Multi-Server Queuing Systems , PLOSone : e92070
Andrea Civelli, Nicola Zaniboni, (2014). Supply Side Inflation Persistence , Economics Letters 125 (2) : 191-194
Javier Reyes, Rossitza Wooster, Stuart Shirrell, (2014). Regional Trade Agreements
and the Pattern of Trade: A Networks Approach , World Economy 37 (8) : 1128-1151
Cary Deck, Hongwei Song, (in press). Alliances in Defense Against an Opportunistic
Opponent: Theory and Experiments ,
Cary Deck, Harris Schlesinger, (2014). Consistency of Higher Order Risk Preferences
Yan Chen, Sherry Li, Tracy Liu, Margaret Shih, (2014). Which hat to wear? Impact of
natural identities on coordination and cooperation , 84 : 58-86
Cary Deck, (in press). Experimenting with Purchase History Based Price Discrimination
Cary Deck, Alan Deck, Zhen "James" Zhu, (2014). Decision Making in a Sequential Game:
The Case of Pitting in NASCAR , Journal of Sports Economics
Cary Deck, Jungmin Lee, Javier Reyes, (2014). Investing versus Gambling: Experimental
Evidence of Multi-Domain Risk Attitudes , 21 (1) : 19-23
Cary Deck, Daniel Bowen, Stuart Buck, Jonathan Mills, James Shuls, (in press). Risk
Business: an Analysis of Teacher Risk Preferences , Education Economics
Cary Deck, Tibor Besedes, Sudipta Sarangi, Mike Shor, (in press). Reducing Choice
Overload without Reducing Choices ,
Daniel Bowen, Julie Trivitt, (2014). Stigmas without Sanctions: The (lack of) Impact
of Private School Vouchers on Student Achievement , Education Policy Analysis Archives 22
John Kagel, Peter McGee, (2014). Personality and Cooperation in Finitely Repeated
Prisoner’s Dilemma Games” , Economics Letters
Raja Kali, (2014). The Nature of the Business Group: Power, Relational Contracts and
Scope , Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics 25 (1&2) : 147-175
David Allen, William Curington, (2014). The Self-Employment of Men and Women: What
are Their Motivations , Journal of Labor Research 35 (Spring 2014) (2) : 143-161
Menno Pradhan, Daniel Suryadarma, Amanda Beatty, Maisy Wong, Arya Gaduh, Armida Alisjahbana,
Rima Artha, (2014). Improving Educational Quality through Enhancing Community Participation:
Results from a Randomized Field Experiment in Indonesia , AEJ Applied Economics 6 (2) : 105-126
Aude DeVille, Gary Ferrier, Herve Leleu, (2014). Measuring the Performance of Hierarchical
Organizations , 25 (1)
Brent Williams, Matthew Waller, Sanjay Ahire, Gary Ferrier, (2014). Predicting Retailer
Orders with POS and Order Data: The Inventory Balance Effect , 232 (3) : 593-600
Jingping Gu, Zhongwen Liang, (2014). Testing cointegration relationship in a semiparametric
varying coefficient model , 178 : 57-70
Katherine Deck, Mervin Jebaraj, William Curington, (2014). Survey of the Labor Market
for New Hires in Economics: 2014-15 , CBER - Univ. of Arkansas : 29
Cary Deck, (2013). Do People Keep Socially Unverifiable Promises? ,
Cary Deck, (in press). Double Bubbles in Assets Markets with Multiple Generations
, Journal of Behavioral Finance
Abel Embaye, James Alm, (2013). Using Dynamic Panel Methods to Estimate Shadow Economy
Around the World, 1990-2006 , Public Finance Review
Peter McGee, (2013). Bidding in Private-Value Auctions with Uncertain Values , 82 : 312-326
Peter McGee, Stelios Constantinides, (2013). Repeated Play and Gender in the Ultimatum
Game , Journal of Socio-Economics 42 : 121-126
Cary Deck, (2013). Do Market Incentives Crowd Out Charitable Giving? , Journal of Socio-Economics
Cary Deck, Salar Jahedi, (in press). Time Discounting in Strategic Contests , ( )
Cary Deck, (2013). Affecting policy by manipulating prediction markets: Experimental
evidence ,
Amy Farmer, Paul Pecorino, (2013). Discovery and Disclosure with Asymmetric Information
and Endogenous Spending at Trial ,
Gary Ferrier, Julie Trivitt, Gary Ferrier, (2013). Incorporating Quality into the
Measurement of Hospital Efficiency: A Double DEA Approach , Journal of Productivity Analysis 40 (3) : 337-355
Cary Deck, (2013). Prediction Markets in the Laboratory , Journal of Economic Surveys
James Shuls, Julie Trivitt, (2013). Teacher effectiveness: An analysis of licensure
screens ,
Gary Ferrier, Herve Leleu, James Moises, Vivian Valdmanis, Gary Ferrier, (2013). The
Focus Efficiency of US Hospitals , Atlantic Economic Journal 41 (3) : 241-263
Abel Embaye, Mussie Tessema, Kathryn Ready, (2013). The Effects of Employee Recognition,
Pay and Benefits on Job Satisfaction: Cross-Country Evidence , Journal of Business and Economics
Javier Reyes, Matteo Chinazzi, Giorgio Fagiolo, Stefano Schiavo, (2013). Post-Mortem
Examination of the International Financial Network ,
John Aloysius, Cary Deck, Amy Farmer, (2013). Sequential Pricing of Multiple Products:
Leveraging Revealed Preferences of Retail Customers Online and with Auto-ID Technologies
, 24 (2) : 372-393
Javier Reyes, Camelia Minoiu, (2013). A Network Analysis of Global Banking: 1978¬–2010
, Journal of Financial Stability 9 (2) : 168-184
Javier Reyes, Raja Kali, Joshua McGee, Stuart Shirrell, (2013). Growth Networks , 101 : 216-227
Fazlul Miah, Muhammad Rahman, Khaled Albinali, (in press). Rationality of Survey Based
Inflation Expectations for Twenty Emerging Economies , Society for the Study of Emerging Markets
Cary Deck, Jungmin Lee, Javier Reyes, Chris Rosen, (2013). A Failed Attempt to Explain
Within Subject Variation in Risk Taking Behavior Using Domain Specific Risk Attitudes
, 87 : 1-24
Jingping Gu, Qi Li, Jian Yang, (2013). Fiscal deficit and mean reversion of real exchange
rate , Economics Letters 118 (2) : 300-303
Andrew Horowitz, Amy Farmer, (2013). Prostitutes, Pimps, and Brothels: Intermediaries,
Information, and Market Structure in Prostitution Markets , 79 Number 3
Cary Deck, Tibor Besedes, Sudipta Sarangi, Mikhael Shor, (2012). Decision-making Strategies
and Performance among Seniors , 81 (2) : 524-533
Cary Deck, Vernon Smith, (in press). Using Laboratory Experiments in Logistics and
Supply Chain Research ,
Cary Deck, Jingping Gu, (2012). Price Increasing Competition? Experimental Evidence
, 84 (3) : 730-740
Difei Geng, (2012). Identifying the Unique Polarization Index: A Mean-Preserving Axiomatic
Approach , Journal of Public Economic Theory 14 (5) : 791-812
Abel Embaye, Mussie Tessema, Brian Winrow, Kiflemariam Abraham, (2012). Human Resources
Management Practices and Challenges: Evidences from Africa , Current Politics and Economics of Africa 4 (3) : 467-489
Charles Britton, T.O. Graff, (2012). An Economic Analysis of Grocery Store Concentrations
in Arid Lands , Association of Arid Lands Studie 26
Fabio Mendez, Facundo Sepulveda, Fabio Mendez, (in press). Optimal Government Regulations
and Red Tape in an Economy with Corruption , Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics
John Aloysius, Cary Deck, Amy Farmer, (2012). Price Bundling in Competitive Markets
, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 11 : 661-672
Fabio Mendez, (in press). Can corruption foster regulatory compliance? ,
Fabio Mendez, Facundo Sepulve, (2012). The Cyclicality of Skill Acquisition: Evidence
from Panel Data , American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
Qi Gao, Jingping Gu, Paula Hernandez-Verme, (2012). A Semiparametric Time Trend Varying
Coefficients Model: With An Application to Evaluate Credit Rationing in U.S. Credit
Market. , Annals of Economics and Finance 13 (1) : 189-210
Li Hao, Daniel Houser, (2012). Belief Elicitation in the Presence of Naive Respondents:
An Experimental Study , 44 (2) : 161-180
Cary Deck, Nikos Nikiforakis, (2012). Perfect and Imperfect Real-Time Monitoring in
a Minimum-Effort Game , 15 (1) : 71-88
Andrew Horowitz, James Foster, Fabio Mendez, (2012). An Axiomatic Approach to the
Measurement of Corruption: Theory and Applications , The World Bank Economic Review 26 (2) : 217-235
John Aloysius, Cary Deck, Amy Farmer, (2012). A Comparison of Bundling and Sequential
Pricing in Competitive Markets: Experimental Evidence. , International Journal of the Economics of Business 19 (1) : 25-51
Amy Farmer, Paul Pecorino, (2012). Title IX and the Allocation of Resources to Women’s
and Men’s Sports , 14 (1) : 141-164
Daniel Arce, Sherry Li, (2011). Profits, Layoffs, and Priorities , 101 (1) : 49-60
Marina Fiedler, Ernan Haruvy, Sherry Li, (2011). Social distance in a virtual world
experiment , 72 (2) : 400-426
Andrew Horowitz, (in press). ARGENTINA AND BRAZIL: A Comparative Perspective , Edward Elgar Publishers : 126-132
Jingping Gu, Juan Lin, Dandan Liu, (2011). Estimating average treatment effects based
on direct estimation of the conditional treatment effects , Advances in Econometrics 27A : 289-311
Cary Deck, (in press). Fight or Flight? Defending Against Sequential Attacks in the
Game of Siege , Journal of Conflict Resolution
Sherry Li, Catherine Eckel, Philip Grossman, Tara Brown, (2011). Giving to government:
Voluntary taxation in the lab , 95 (9-10) : 1190-1201
Sherry Li, Kutsal Dogan, Ernan Haruvy, (2011). Group identity in markets , 29 (1) : 104-115
Yu Zhang, Jingping Gu, Qi Li, (2011). Nonparametric Panel Estimation of Online Auction
Price Process , Empirical Economics 40 : 51-58
Gary Ferrier, Michael Rosko, Vivian Valdmanis, (2011). Response to modeling and notation
of DEA with strong and weak disposable outputs , Health Care Management Science 14 (4)
Raja Kali, Jayati Sarkar, (2011). Diversification and Tunneling: Evidence from Indian
Business Groups , 39 (3) : 349-367
Tim Yeager, Kathy Fogel, Raja Kali, (2011). Have Community Banks Reduced Home Foreclosure
Rates? , 35 : 2498-2509
Cary Deck, Jungmin Lee, Javier Reyes, Chris Rosen, (in press). Risk Taking Behavior:
An Experimental Analysis of Individuals and Pairs ,
Javier Reyes, W. Charles Sawyer, (2011). Latin American Economic Development , Routledge (BOOK)
Javier Reyes, Camelia Minoiu (IMF), (2011). A Network Analysis of Global Banking:
1978-2010 , IMF Working Papers Series
Bruce Dixon, B. Ahrendsen, B. McFadden, D. Danforth, (2011). Competing Risks Models
of Farm Service Agency Seven Year Direct Loans , Agricultural Finance Review 71 (1) : 5-24
Andrew Horowitz, André Souza, Hadi Esfahani, (2011). The Impact of Parental Income
on the Intra-household Distribution of School Attainment: , The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 51 (1) : 1-18
Javier Reyes, Raja Kali, Javier Reyes, (2010). Financial Contagion on the International
Trade Network , 48 (4) : 1072-1101
Amy Farmer, Krista Crawford-Mathes, (2010). The Village Network: Partnership and Collaboration
to Alleviate Poverty in Subsistence Marketplaces ,
Cary Deck, (in press). Age Effects and Heuristics in Decision Making ,
Cary Deck, (2010). An Experimental Investigation of Trust and Sequential Trade ,
Yan Chen, F. Harper, Joseph Konstan, Sherry Li, (2010). Social Comparisons and Contributions
to Online Communities: A Field Experiment on MovieLens , 100 (4) : 1358-1398
Sherry Li, (2010). Social Identities, Ethnic Diversity, and Tax Morale , 38 (2) : 146-177
Cary Deck, (in press). An Experimental Analysis of Dynamic Incentives to Share Knowledge
Javier Reyes, Giorgio Fagiolo, Stefano Schiavo, (2010). The Evolution of the World
Trade Web: A Weighted Network Analysis , Journal of Evolutionary Economics 20 (4) : 479-514
Cary Deck, Harris Schlesinger, (2010). Exploring Higher-Order Risk Effects ,
Charles Britton, Richard Ford, David Gay, (2010). Arkansans Respond to Global Warming
Questions: Private Views and Public Policies , 26 (1) : 22-28
Bruce Dixon, A. Landerito, S. Hamm, D. Danforth, (2010). Determinants of FSA Direct
Loan Borrowers’ Financial Improvement and Loan Servicing Actions , Journal of Agribusiness 28 (2) : 131-149
Gary Ferrier, Herve Leleu, Vivian Valdmanis, (2010). The Impact of CON Regulation
on Hospital Efficiency , Health Care Management Science 13 (1) : 84-100
Javier Reyes, Giorgio Fagiolo, Stefano Schiavo, (2010). Using Complex Networks Analysis
to Assess the Evolution of International Economic Integration: the cases of East Asia
and Latin America , Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 19 (2) : 215-239
Javier Reyes, Giorgio Fagiolo, Stefano Schiavo, (2010). International Trade and Financial
Integration: A Weighted Network Analysis , Quantitative Finance 10 (4) : 389-399
Fabio Mendez, Facundo Sepulveda, Fabio Mendez, (2010). What do we talk about when
we talk about corruption? , 26 (3)
James Alm, Abel Embaye, (2010). Explaining the Growth of Government Spending in South
Africa , South African Journal of Economics 78 (2) : 152-169
Gary Ferrier, Michael Rosko, Vivian Valdmanis, (in press). Response to Modeling and
Notation of DEA with Strong and Weak Disposable Outputs , Health Care Management Science
Charles Britton, Richard Ford, David Gay, (2010). Terrorism and Water Supply Security:
Evidence from the Arkansas Poll , XXVI (1) : 39-44
William Curington, Charles Whalen, (2010). Vernon Briggs: Real-World Labor Economist
in Human Resource Economics and Public Policy: Essays in Honor of Vernon Briggs , W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Yan Chen, Sherry Li, (2009). Group Identity and Social Preferences , 99 (1) : 431-457
Zongwu Cai, Jingping Gu, Qi Li, (2009). Some recent development on nonparametric econometrics
, Advances in Econometrics 25 : 495-549
M. Popp, L. Van de Velde, G. Vickery, F. Van Huylenbroeck, W. Verbeke, Bruce Dixon,
(2009). Determinants of Consumer Interest in Fuel Economy: Lessons for Strengthening
the Conservation Argument , Biomass & Bioenergy 33 (5) : 768-778
Andrew Horowitz, (in press). Comment on Cárdenas, Chong and Ñopo, 2009 “On Trust,
Reciprocity, and Cooperation,” Economia, Vol. 9 (2), 89-90. ,
Bruce Dixon, Alicia Minden, (2009). A Brief History of the Agricultural Economics
and Agribusiness Department at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 1924-2009
, Staff Paper - University of Arkansas
Andrew Horowitz, Jungmin Lee, Julie Trivitt, Isaac Ehrlich, (2009). Did Vietnam Era
Draft Avoidance Reduce the Education of Avoiders' Sisters? New Evidence of Household-Level
Education Borrowing Constraints , Journal of Human Capital 3 (3) : 197-223
Andrew Horowitz, Robert Driskill, Fabio Mendez, Fabio Mendez, (2009). Hierarchical
Human Capital and Economic Growth: Theoretical and Empirical Applications , 165 (4) : 723-743
Tomas Jandik, Raja Kali, Tomas Jandik, (2009). Legal Systems, Information Asymmetry,
and Firm Boundaries: Cross-Border Choices to Diversify Through Mergers, Joint Ventures,
or Strategic Alliances , 40 ( 4) : 578-599
Eddie Chavez, Bruce Dixon, Bruce Ahrendsen, Eric Wailes, (2009). Comparative Financial
Characteristics of U.S. Farms by Type , University of Arkansas
Gary Ferrier, Herve Leleu, Vivian Valdmanis, Paul Wilson, (2009). Hospital Capacity
in Large Urban Areas: Is There Enough in Times of Need? , Journal of Productivity Analysis 32 (2) : 103-117
Fabio Mendez, (2009). Combating Corruption with Bargaining Disruption , 165 (3) : 438-454
Fabio Mendez, Stefan Krause, (2009). Corruption and Elections: An Empirical Study
for a Cross-Section of Countries , Economics and Politics 21 (2) : 179-200
Javier Reyes, Claude Lopez, (2009). Stationary Properties of the Real Interest Rate
and the per-capita Consumption Growth Rate: Empirical Evidence for Theoretical Arguments
, 41 (3) : 1643 - 1651
Javier Reyes, Giorgio Fagiolo, Stefano Schiavo, R Menezes, S Fortunato, G Mangioni,
V Nicosia, (2009). Dynamics and Evolution of the International Trade Network , Complex Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence 207 : 1-14
Cary Deck, Amy Farmer, (2009). Strategic Bidding and Investments in Final Offer Arbitration:
, 70 (1-2) : 361-373
Gerhard Glomm, Fabio Mendez, Fabio Mendez, (2009). Privatization, Deregulation and
Capital Accumulation , 75 (4) : 976-995
Javier Reyes, Christopher Ball, Javier Reyes, (2009). International Reserve Holdings:
Interest Rates Matter! , 16 (4) : 343-348
Javier Reyes, Giorgio Fagiolo, Stefano Schiavo, (2009). The World-Trade Web: Topological
Properties, Dynamics and Evolution , Physical Review E 79 (3) : 036115
Javier Reyes, Martina Garcia, Ralph Lattimore, (2009). The International Economic
Order and Trade Architecture , Spatial Economic Analysis 4 (1) : 73-102
Javier Reyes, Giorgio Fagiolo, Stefano Schiavo, (2008). On the Topological Properties
of the World Trade Web: A Weighted Network Analysis , Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (15) : 3868 - 3873
Javier Reyes, Christopher Ball, Javier Reyes, (2008). Inflation Targeting or Fear
of Floating in Disguise? A Broader Perspective , 30 (1) : 308-326
Robert Stapp, (2008). “Factor Mobility, Trade, and Wage Inequality” In International
Trade and Economic Dynamics: Essays in Memory of Koji Shimomura , Springer : 63-72
Cary Deck, Jungmin Lee, Javier Reyes, Cary Deck, (2008). Risk Attitudes in Large Stake
Gambles: Evidence from a Game Show , 40 (1) : 41-52
Cary Deck, Javier Reyes, Cary Deck, (2008). An Experimental Investigation of Moral
Hazard in Costly Investments , 74 (3) : 725-746
Cary Deck, (in press). Inducing Imperfect Recall in the Lab ,
Cary Deck, Amy Farmer, (in press). Arbitration and Bargaining Across the Pacific ,
Javier Reyes, Giorgio Fagiolo, Stefano Schiavo, (2008). Assessing the Evolution of
International Economic Integration using Random Walk Betweenness Centrality: The Cases
of East Asia and Latin America , Advances in Complex Systems 11 (5) : 685-702
Gary Ferrier, Vivian Valdmanis, Jos Blank, (2007). Efficiency and Productivity Changes
in Large Urban Hospitals 1994-2002: Ownership, Markets, and the , Hospital Productivity / North-Holland/Elsevier 18 : 157-176
Orlandi Balboa, Robert Driskill, Andrew Horowitz, (2007). The time-consistent optimal
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