Management is both art and science. Experienced executives will tell you that one
of the most important skills any professional could possess is the ability to effectively
manage others - regardless of the industry.
Management Undergraduate Program Bachelor’s Degree
Management majors gain insight and skill needed for careers as professional managers
or as self-employed entrepreneurs. These skills include technical knowledge, communicative
capacity, human understanding, and conceptual and problem-solving ability.
More than ever, managers of human resources must integrate individual goals with organizational
objectives to encourage high-quality performance by employees.
This online program provides a flexible and cost-effective opportunity to pursue a Human Resources Management
degree, whether you are new to college, completing a degree started years ago, or
seeking an additional degree to enhance your skillsets.
A new study by Maira E. Ezerins, a doctoral candidate in management, examines both the challenges autistic job candidates face in an interview and how they want the process changed to accommodate them.
As managers face more pressure in implementing artificial intelligence (AI) into the workflow, a study from researchers at a trio of universities offers insights to help managers adapt.