Research: Department of Management
Recent Publications
Adam Stoverink, Dan Chiaburu, Ning Li, Xingshan Zheng, (2018). Supporting team citizenship:
The influence of team social resources on team-level affiliation-oriented and challenge-oriented
behavior. , Human Resource Management Journal
Jennifer Kish-Gephart, (2017). Social class & Risk Preferences and Behavior , Current Opinion in Psychology 18 : 89-92
Barbara Gray, Tiffany Johnson, Jennifer Kish-Gephart, Jacqueline Tilton, (in press).
Identity Work by First-Generation College Students to Counteract Class-Based Microaggressions
, Organization Studies
Paul Spector, Chris Rosen, Hettie Richardson, Larry Williams, Russell Johnson, (2017).
A new perspective on method variance: A measure-centric approach ,
Chris Rosen, Kenneth Harris, K. Kacmar, Mark Gavin, Wayne Hochwarter, (2017). Workplace
politics and performance appraisal: A two-study, multi-level field investigation , Journal of Organizational Leadership Studies 24 : 20-38
J. Emory, P. Lee, M. Miller, T. Kippenbrock, Chris Rosen, (in press). Academic nursing
administrators’ workplace satisfaction and intent to stay , Nursing Outlook 65 : 77-83
Charlice Hurst, Lauren Simon, Yongsuhk Jung, Dante Pirouz, (in press). Can bad bosses
bring out the best in bad employees?: Differing effects of abusive supervision on
low- and high-psychopathy employees. ,
Anne O'Leary-Kelly, Chris Rosen, Wayne Hochwarter, (2017). Who is deserving and who
decides: Entitlement as a work-situated phenomenon , 42 : 417-436
Paul Levy, S. Tseng, Chris Rosen, Sarah Lueke, (2017). Performance Management: A Marriage
between Practice and Science–Just Say “I do”. , : 155-213
Dan Chiaburu, In-Sue Oh, Jessie Wang, Adam Stoverink, (2017). A Bigger Piece of the
Pie: The Relative Importance of Affiliative and Change-oriented Citizenship and Task
Performance in predicting overall job performance , 27 (1) : 97-107
Emilija Djurdjevic, Adam Stoverink, Anthony Klotz, Serge P. De Motta Veiga, Joel Koopman,
Kai Yam, Jack Chiang, (2017). Workplace Status: The Development and Validation of
a Scale , 102 (7) : 1124-1147
Jill Purdy, Jennifer Kish-Gephart, Giuseppe Labianca, Shaz Ansari, (in press). Connections
and Collaboration--Celebrating the Contributions of Barbara Gray , Negotiation and Conflict Management Research
Hansin Bilgili, Joanna Campbell, Alan Ellstrand, Jonathan Johnson, (2017). Riding
off into the sunset: Organizational Sensegiving, Shareholder Sensemaking, and Reactions
to CEO Retirement , Journal of Management Studies
Alan Gamlen, Michael Cummings, Paul Vaaler, (in press). Explaining the Rise of Diaspora
Institutions , Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Hans Rawhouser, Michael Cummings, Alfred Marcus, (in press). Sustainability standards
and stakeholder engagement: Lessons from carbon markets , Organization & Environment
Michael Cummings, Hans Rawhouser, (2017). Lawyers and Bar Associations as Influencers
in the Negotiated Landscape of Social-Business Hybridization , Wyoming Law Review 17 : 457
Ru Liou, Michael Chao, Alan Ellstrand, (2017). Unpacking institutional distance: Addressing
emerging markets firms’ competitive disdavantages of venturing into an advanced economy
, Thunderbird International Business Review 59 : 281-295
Hans Rawhouser, Michael Cummings, Scott Newbert, (in press). Social impact measurement:
Current approaches and future directions for social entrepreneurship research , Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Bennett Tepper, Lauren Simon, Hee Park, (2017). Abusive Supervision , Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
John Delery, Dorothea Roumpi, (2017). Strategic HRM, human capital, and competitive
advantage: Is the field going in circles? , Human Resource Management Journal 27 (1) : 1-21
Anja Van den Broeck, D. Ferris, Chu-Hsiang Chang, Chris Rosen, (2016). A review of
research on self-determination theory’s basic psychological needs at work ,
John Delery, Nina Gupta, (2016). Human resource management practices and organizational
effectiveness: Internal fit matters. , Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 3 (2) : 139-163
Chris Rosen, Russell Johnson, Chu-Hsiang Chang, Eric Yochum, Liana Passantino, (in
press). Review and recommended best practices for measuring and modelling organizational
citizenship behavior , Oxford Handbook of Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Russell Johnson, Chris Rosen, Chu-Hsiang Chang, S. Lin, (2016). Assessing the status
of locus of control as an indicator of core self-evaluations , Personality and Individual Differences
Chris Rosen, Joel Koopman, Allison Gabriel, Russell Johnson, (2016). Who strikes back?
A daily investigation of when and why incivility begets incivility ,
Paul Levy, Ariel Roberts, Chris Rosen, Allison O'Malley, Steven Rogelberg, (2016).
Performance feedback , The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Daniel Ganster, Chris Rosen, Gwen Fisher, (in press). Long working hours and well-being:
What we know, what we don't know, and what we need to know , Journal of Business and Psychology
Samantha Conroy, Nina Gupta, (2016). Team pay-for-performance: The devil is in the
details , Group and Organization Management 41 (1) : 32-65
Charles Calderwood, Allison Gabriel, Chris Rosen, Lauren Simon, Joel Koopman, (2016).
100 years and running: The need to understand why employee physical activity benefits
organizations , 37 (7) : 1104-1109
Hansin Bilgili, Dan Worrell, Jonathan Johnson, (2016). Cognitive Isomorphism among
Non-Conformist Organizations , 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Mark Zweig, Mark Zweig, (2016). "Management from A to Zweig", Volume 2 , ZweigWhite, LLC : 264
David Hyatt, Jonathan Johnson, (2016). Expanding boundaries: Environmental NGOs as
supply chain members , Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 4 (000093) : 14
Jennifer Kish-Gephart, Joanna Campbell, (2015). You don’t forget your roots: The influence
of CEO social class background on strategic risk taking , 58 (6) : 1614-1636
Russell Johnson, Chris Rosen, Chu-Hsiang Chang, Joanna Lin, (2015). Getting to the
Core of Locus of control: Is it an evaluation of the Self or the Environment? , 100 : 1569-1578
Margaret Reid, Dorothea Roumpi, Anne O'Leary-Kelly, Dorothea Roumpi, (2015). Spirited
women: The role of spirituality in the work lives of female entrepreneurs in Ghana
, Africa Journal of Management 3 : 264-283
Jason Ridge, Federico Aime, Margaret White, (2015). When much more of a difference
makes a difference: Social comparison and tournaments in the CEO’s top team , Strategic Management Journal 36 (4) : 618–636
Vikas Anand, Tina Dacin, Pamela Murphy, (2015). The continued need for diversity in
fraud research ,
Oleg Petrenko, Federico Aime, Jason Ridge, Aaron Hill, (2015). Corporate social responsibility
or CEO narcissism? CSR motivations and organizational performance , Strategic Management Journal
Samantha Conroy, Yeong Yoon, Peter Bamberger, Barry Gerhart, Nina Gupta, Anthony Nyberg,
Sanghee Park, Tae-Youn Park, Jason Shaw, Michael Sturman, (2015). Past, present and
future compensation research perspectives , Compensation & Benefits Review 47 (5-6) : 207-215
Matthew Waller, Stanley Fawcett, Jonathan Johnson, (2015). The Luxury Paradox: How
Systems Thinking and Supply Chain Collaboration Can Bring Sustainability Into Mainstream
Practice , 36 (4) : 303-305
Jason Shaw, Nina Gupta, (2015). Let the evidence speak again! Financial incentives
are more effective than we thought , Human Resource Management Journal 25 (3) : 281-293
Atul Mitra, G. Jenkins, Nina Gupta, Jason Shaw, (2015). The utility of pay raises/cuts:
A simulation experimental study , 49 : 150-166
Kevin Dooley, Jonathan Johnson, (2015). The Sustainability Consortium’s approach to
measurement of product category-level sustainability performance. , Journal of Industrial Ecology 19 (3) : 337-339
Nina Gupta, Terry Beehr, (2014). Industrial-Organizational Psychologists moving to
Business Schools: Potholes in the road to migration? , Indistrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on science and practice 7 : 322-325
Jennifer Kish-Gephart, James Detert, Linda Trevino, Vicki Baker, Sean Martin, (2014).
Situational Moral Disengagement: Can the effects of self-interest be mitigated? , 125 (2) : 267-285
Jason Ridge, Dave Kern, Margaret A. White, (2014). The influence of managerial myopia
on firm strategy , Management Decision 52 (3) : 602–623
Jason Ridge, Amy Ingram, (2014). Modesty in the Top Management Team Investor Reaction
and Performance Implications , Journal of Management : 0149206314551796
Aaron Hill, J Wallace, Jason Ridge, Paul Johnson, Jeffrey Paul, Tracy Suter, (2014).
Innovation and effectiveness of co-founded ventures: a process model , Journal of Business and Psychology 29 (1) : 145–159
Jason Ridge, Aaron Hill, Federico Aime, (2014). Implications of multiple concurrent
pay comparisons for top-team turnover , Journal of Management : 0149206314539349
Nina Gupta, Jason Shaw, (2014). Employee compensation: The neglected area of HRM research
, 24 (1) : 1-4
Shannon Rawski, Jennifer Kish-Gephart, Vikas Anand, Iris Reychav, (2014). An Interactionist
Model of Punishment Severity: Understanding the Effects of Moral Intensity and Moral
Identity , Academy of Management Proceedings
Samantha Conroy, Nina Gupta, Jason Shaw, Tae-Youn Park, (2014). A multi-level approach
to the effects of pay variation , 31 : 1-64
Shannon Rawski, Emilija Djurdjevic, Leah Sheppard, Pam Perrewe, Chris Rosen, Jonathon
Halbesleben, (in press). Considering the Complex Interplay of Sex, Gender, and Job
Roles , Research in Occupational Stress and Well-Being 12
Adam Stoverink, Elizabeth Umphress, Richard Gardner, Kathi Miner, (2014). Misery loves
company: Team dissonance and the influence of supervisor-focused interpersonal justice
climate on team cohesiveness , 99 (6) : 1059-1073
Anne O'Leary-Kelly, Kevin Henderson, Vikas Anand, Blake Ashforth, (2014). Psychological
contracts in a nontraditional industry: Exploring the implications for psychological
contract development , Group & Organization Management 39 (3)
Samantha Conroy, Danny Franklin, Anne O'Leary-Kelly, (2014). Turmoil or Opportunity?
Retirement and Identity-Related Coping. In The Nature of Work: Advances in Psychological
Theory, Methods, and Practice , American Psychological Association : 165-182
Linda Trevino, Niki Den Nieuwenboer, Jennifer Kish-Gephart, (2014). (Un)Ethical Behavior
in Organizations , Annual Review of Psychology 65 : 635-660
Sean Martin, Jennifer Kish-Gephart, James Detert, (2014). Blind Forces: Ethical infrastructure
and moral disengagement in organizations , Organizational Psychology Review 4 (4) : 295-325
Chris Rosen, P Levy, (2013). Stresses, Swaps, and Skill: The Psychological Dynamics
of Work Politics and Employee Behaviors , Human Performance
D Ganster, Chris Rosen, (2013). Work Stress and Employee Health: A Multi-disciplinary
Review ,
Chris Rosen, Dan Slater, Daisy Chang, Russell Johnson, (2013). Let's Make a Deal:
Development and Validation of the Ex-Post I-Deals Scale ,
Nina Gupta, Samantha Conroy, (2013). Evidence-based lessons about financial incentives
and pay variations , WorldatWork Journal 20 (2) : 7-16
Danny Franklin, Jennifer Kish-Gephart, Iris Reychav, (2013). Information Seeking Preferences
of Individuals in Ethical Decision-Making , Academy of Management Proceedings
D Ferris, R Johnson, Chris Rosen, C Chang, J Tan, E Djurdjevic, (2013). When Is Success
not Satisfying? Integrating Regulatory Focus and Approach/avoidance Motivation Theories
to Explain the Relationship between Core Self-evaluation and Job Satisfaction ,
Blake Ashforth, Mahendra Joshi, Vikas Anand, Anne O'Leary-Kelly, (2013). Extending
the Expanded Model of Organizational Identification to Occupations ,
Barbara Gray, Jennifer Kish-Gephart, Gerardo Okhuysen, (2013). Encountering social
class differences at work: How “Class Work” perpetuates inequality , 38 (4) : 670-699
Nina Gupta, Daniel Ganster, Sven Kepes, (2013). Assessing the validity of sales self-efficacy:
A cautionary tale , 98 (4) : 690-700
Vikas Anand, Mahendra Joshi, Anne O'Leary-Kelly, (2013). An Expanded Model of Strategic
Group Identification , Organization Science 24 (2) : 571-590
Howard Klein, John Delery, (2012). Construct Clarity in Human Resource Management
Research , 22 : 57-61
Joanna Campbell, Timothy Campbell, David Sirmon, Leonard Bierman, Christopher Tuggle,
(2012). Shareholder Influence over Director Nomination via Proxy Access: Implications
for Agency Conflict and Stakeholder Value , 33 (12) : 1431–1451
Russell Johnson, Chris Rosen, Chu-Hsiang Chang, Emilija Djurdjevic, M. Taing, (2012).
Recommendations for improving the construct clarity of higher-order multidimensional
constructs , 22 : 62-72
Iris Reychav, Vikas Anand, (2012). E-learning Technologies: A key to Dynamic Capabilities
, Computers and Human Behavior
Nina Gupta, Samantha Conroy, John Delery, (2012). The many faces of pay variation
, 22 (2) : 100-115
Joanna Campbell, L Eden, S Miller, (2012). Does Distance Matter? Multinationals and
Corporate Social Responsibility in Host Countries , 43 (1) : 84–106
C Chang, D Ferris, R Johnson, Chris Rosen, J Tan, (2012). Core Self-Evaluations: A
Review and Evaluation of the Literature , 38 (1) : 81-128
D Ferris, Chris Rosen, R Johnson, D Brown, S Risavy, D Heller, (2011). Approach or
avoidance (or both?): Integrating core self-evaluations within an approach/avoidance
framework , 64 : 137-161
Fred Luthans, Carolyn Yousseff, Shannon Rawski, (2011). A Tale of Two Paradigms: The
Impact of Psychological Capital and Reinforcing Feedback on Problem-solving and Innovation
, Journal of Organizational Behavior Management 31 (4) : 1 - 18
Atul Mitra, Nina Gupta, Jason Shaw, (2011). A comparative examination of traditional
and skill-based pay plans , Journal of Managerial Psychology 26 (4) : 278-296
R Johnson, Chris Rosen, C Chang, (2011). To Aggregate or Not Aggregate: Steps for
Developing and Validating Higher Order Multidimensional Constructs , Journal of Business and Psychology
Cary Deck, Jungmin Lee, Javier Reyes, Chris Rosen, (in press). Risk Taking Behavior:
An Experimental Analysis of Individuals and Pairs ,
R Johnson, Chris Rosen, E Djurdjevic, (2011). Assessing the impact of common method
variance on higher-order multi-dimensional constructs , 96 : 744-761
Brian Connolly, Jonathan Johnson, Laszlo Tihanyi, Alan Ellstrand, (2011). More than
adopters: Competing influences in the interlocking directorate , Organization Science 22 (3) : 688-703
Bradley Benson, Wallace Davidson, Hongxia Wang, Dan Worrell, (2011). Deviations from
Expected Stakeholder Management, Firm Value, and Corporate Governance , 40 (1) : 39-81
D Simon, M Hitt, J Arregle, Joanna Campbell, (2010). Capability Strengths and Weaknesses
in Dynamic Markets: Investigating the Bases of Temporary Competitive Advantage , 31 (13) : 1386-1409
Jennifer Kish-Gephart, David Harrison, Linda Trevino, Steven Kozlowski, (2010). Bad
Apples, Bad Cases, and Bad Barrels: Meta-Analytic Evidence About Sources of Unethical
Decisions at Work , 95 (1) : 1-31
Federico Aime, Scott Johnson, Jason Ridge, Aaron Hill, (2010). The routine may be
stable but the advantage is not: Competitive implications of key employee mobility
, Strategic Management Journal 31 (1) : 75–87
Chris Rosen, Chu-Hsiang Chang, Emilija Djurdjevic, Erin Eatough, Daniel Ganster, Pamela
Perrewe, (2010). Occupational stressors and job performance: An updated review and
recommendations in " New Developments in Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches to
Job Stress (Research in Occupational Stress and Well-being, Volume 8)" , Emerald Group Publishing Limited : 1-60
J Wallace, Laura Little, Aaron Hill, Jason Ridge, (2010). CEO regulatory foci, environmental
dynamism, and small firm performance , Journal of Small Business Management 48 (4) : 580–604
Mark Zweig, Mark Zweig, (2010). "Management from A to Zweig", Revised Edition , ZweigWhite, LLC : 860
Chu-Hsiang Chang, Chris Rosen, Paul Levy, (2009). The Relationship Between Perceptions
of Organizational Politics and Employee Attitudes, Strain, and Behavior: A Meta-Analytic
Examination ,
Jennifer Kish-Gephart, James Detert, Linda Trevino, Amy Edmondson, Barry Staw, Arthur
Brief, (2009). Silenced by Fear: The Nature, Sources, and Consequences of Fear at
Work , 29 : 163-194
Dan Worrell, (2009). Assessing Business Scholarship: The Difficulties in Moving Beyond
the Rigor-Relevance Paradigm Trap , Academy of Management Learning & Education 8 (1)
Chris Rosen, Daisy Chang, Russell Johnson, Paul Levy, Chris Rosen, (2008). Perceptions
of the Organizational Context and Psychological Contract Breach: Assessing Competing
Perspectives ,
Matt Vassar, Jason Ridge, Aaron Hill, (2008). Inducing score reliability from previous
reports: An examination of life satisfaction studies , Social Indicators Research 87 (1) : 27–45
Mark Zweig, (2008). "Management from A to Zweig" , ZweigWhite, LLC : 724
Anne O'Leary-Kelly, Emily Lean, Carol Reeves, Jane Randolph, (2008). Coming Into the
Light: Intimate Partner Violence and Its Effects at Work , Academy of Management Perspectives 22 (2) : 57-72
Jennifer Kish-Gephart, David Harrison, Linda Trevino, (2007). The who, when, and where
of (un)ethical choices: A meta-analysis , Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
S.F. Premeaux, Denise Soignet, (2007). Crisis management of human resources: lessons
from hurricanes Katrina and Rita. , Human Resource Planning Journal 30 : 39-47
Carol Reeves, Anne O'Leary-Kelly, Carol Reeves, (2007). The Effects and Costs of Intimate
Partner Violence for Work Organizations , Journal of Interpersonal Violence 22 (3) : 327-344
M. Goodale, J. Guerra, R. Kogan, M. Morrissey, Mark Zweig, (2002). Insider's Guide
to Strategic Business Planning. , ZweigWhite, Inc.
Mark Zweig, (2002). The New Management Ideas That Work! Volume 1. , ZweigWhite, Inc.
Mark Zweig, (2002). The New Management Ideas That Work! Volume 2. , ZweigWhite, Inc.
Mark Zweig, (2002). The New Management Ideas That Work! Volume 3. , ZweigWhite, Inc.
Mark Zweig, (2002). The New Management Ideas That Work! Volume 4. , ZweigWhite, Inc.
Clayton Tumlison, (1999). "An extralimital population of Lampetra appendix (Petromyzontidae)
in southwestern Arkansas" , Southwestern Naturalist 44 : 106-108
Clayton Tumlison, (1995). "Behavior and efficiency of juvenile armadillos (Dasypus
novemcinctus) foraging on earthworms" , Southwestern Naturalist 40 : 224-225
Mark Zweig, (1991). Human Resources Management: The Complete Guidebook For Design
Firms , Wiley-Interscience : 294
Mark Zweig, (1988). Successful Job Search Strategies for the Design Professional , Practice Management Associates : 39