The study of management prepares men and women for positions of leadership in profit
and nonprofit organizations of all sizes. Management curriculum focuses on the nature
and capabilities of human and other resources, as well as how the manager plans, organizes,
staffs, coordinates, and evaluates those resources in an organization and its environment.
When students earn an undergraduate business degree in management, what they’re really
pursuing is an education in how to help people and their organizations become more
successful. No matter what discipline students pursue, they will work with other people
and likely end up managing some of them, whether it’s a small team for a short-term
project or larger groups of people. Management is a skill that is relevant regardless
of industry or other areas of expertise, which is why many students choose it as a
second major or as a minor.
More than ever, managers of human resources must integrate individual goals with organizational
objectives to encourage high-quality performance by employees.
This online program provides a flexible and cost-effective opportunity to pursue a Human Resources Management
degree, whether you are new to college, completing a degree started years ago, or
seeking an additional degree to enhance your skillsets.
The Human Resource Management degree is designed to prepare students for careers in
human resource-related occupations. Among issues and areas addressed are management-employee
relations, quality of work life, compensation and other reward systems, organizational
staffing, and training and development. The Human Resource Management curriculum emphasizes
the importance of integrating individual goals and organizational objectives.
Management Degree: Organizational Management and Leadership Major Bachelor's Degree
The major in Organizational Management and Leadership leads to a B.S.B.A. and prepares
students for leadership positions within organizations. Among the topics explored
are employee motivation, how to manage power and influence within organizations, communication,
developing and leading effective teams, managing diversity, organizational transformation
and change, and globalization.
A new study by Maira E. Ezerins, a doctoral candidate in management, examines both the challenges autistic job candidates face in an interview and how they want the process changed to accommodate them.
As managers face more pressure in implementing artificial intelligence (AI) into the workflow, a study from researchers at a trio of universities offers insights to help managers adapt.